preinstalled ports always cause error code 1

Jon Disnard diz at
Thu Jul 24 16:41:03 PDT 2003

Hello all,

I maintain a -current system, and I cvsup the ports tree nightly, and 
portupgrade weekly.

I have been running portupgrade recently when I noticed a trend of 
similare failures that is consitent with the one bellow for all the 
upgraded ports:


--->  Installing the new version via the port
===>  Installing for fontconfig-2.2.90_3
===>   fontconfig-2.2.90_3 depends on executable: pkg-config - found
===>   fontconfig-2.2.90_3 depends on shared library: freetype.9 - found
===>   fontconfig-2.2.90_3 depends on shared library: expat.4 - found
===>   Generating temporary packing list
===>  Checking if x11-fonts/fontconfig already installed
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig.
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa 
/tmp/portupgrade1275.0 make reinstall
egrep: /var/db/pkg/fontconfig-2.2.1/+CONTENTS: No such file or directory
--->  Restoring the old version


As you can see there is an "*** Error code 1" at the moment when 
portupgrade checks to see if the port is already installed. This 
actually happens when I run the "make install" manually for any given 
port that is already installed. So I assume that the ports system is 
using pkg_info to discover if the given port is installed, os I decided 
to give it a try manually:

buda# pkg_info | grep "fontconfig"
pkg_info: can't find package 'cyrus-sasl-2.1.13_2' installed or in a file!
fontconfig-2.2.1    An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows

As you can see I have uncovered the error about cyrus-sasl, which was 
unexpected, and probably somehow having a relationship with fontconfig. 
I assume that was a problem with the pkgdb, so I did `pkgdb -F` and 
returned the following results:

buda# pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
Duplicated origin: devel/libtool13 - libtool-1.3.4_4 libtool-1.3.5
Unregister any of them? [no] yes
   Unregister libtool-1.3.4_4 keeping the installed files intact? [no] yes
   -> libtool-1.3.5 is kept.
   --> Saving the libtool-1.3.4_4's +CONTENTS file as 
   --> Unregistering libtool-1.3.4_4
   --> Done.
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb1_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 242 
packages found (-1 +0) (...) done]
Stale dependency: g-wrap-1.3.4_3 -> libtool-1.3.4_4 (devel/libtool13):



As you can see the trail leads me to libtool being upgraded, and 
correcting several dependancies that I spared you from reading. :-)
This is where the trail grew cold because I know that I have indeed 
installed cyrus-sasl at some point int eh past when I was playing with 
openldap. Pkg_info yields nothing about the cyrus-sasl, and doing a 
`which slapd` yields nothing either. It seems that slapd has gone 
missing on my system, and I have no idea why?

I obviously thought about manually reinstalling slapd, so I did a 
"makesearch key=cyrus-sasl" wich yielded:

Port:   cyrus-sasl-2.1.13_4
Path:   /usr/ports/security/cyrus-sasl2
Info:   RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
Maint:  ume at
Index:  security ipv6

Port:   cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.13
Path:   /usr/ports/security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd
Info:   SASL authentication server for cyrus-sasl2
Maint:  ume at
Index:  security ipv6
B-deps: cyrus-sasl-2.1.13_4
R-deps: cyrus-sasl-2.1.13_4

I don't recall the saslauthd port ever existing previously. Could this 
be part of my problem? For now I'm in a holding pattern until I recive 
consultation from this list. Any clues, hints, or whatever constructive 
critiqe you kind folks can provide is highly welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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