Error while trying to install php-PEAR

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Sun Jul 20 08:54:09 PDT 2003

Le Ven 18 jul 03 à 20:59:17 +0200, Ryan O'Neill <ryanlists at>
 écrivait :
> On Friday 18 July 2003 10:36 am, Martin Jakob wrote:
> > Shouldn't
> > /usr/local/bin/php be installed by the mod_php port?
> Not anymore.
> cd /usr/ports/lang/php4-cli && make install clean


> Mr. pear maintainer (cc:) should probably do something about this.  I had a 
> somewhat similar problem where pear wouldn't install because one of the 
> default packages it installs (archive_tar i think) needs XML compiled in the 
> binary, but that'll be a little tougher to auto-detect on install.

I don't think so: XML is not required by Archive_Tar, Console_Getopt or
PEAR. Nevertheless, if we want to check if XML is installed, we could
use `ldd | grep xml' or read phpinfo.

BTW, the real maintainer of these pear-* ports is ports at, and
it's possible to adopt them...

Th. Thomas.

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