Sound Off: Will VoIP Disconnect the Phone Companies?
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Fri Dec 19 09:24:29 PST 2003
December 19, 2003
Welcome to Sound Off: Taking Sides on Critical IT Issues
Each week, we'll deliver reports on the current thinking
among IT executives on hot-button issues, and we'll give
you the chance to Sound Off.
********************CURRENT DISCUSSION******************
Will VoIP Disconnect the Telephone Companies?
Practically all of the major telephone companies will soon
offer VoIP services. Can they compete in a strange new arena?
This Sound Off is sponsored by F5
Get details on a new approach for organizations looking to
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your organization.
****************SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS DISCUSSION***********
Six Sigma: Are You a Believer?
Even the most loyal fans of Six Sigma admit that it
is a rigorous and time-consuming methodology.
Is it really worth the effort? Tell us your story.
Based on the comments of our readers, Six Sigma really
works. Remarks were overwhelmingly positive. Some examples:
Six Sigma is an "outside in" way of improving what you
do today. This approach helps an organization to align
improvements in its products and services with an objective
to meet its customers needs. For example, in an automobile
company Six Sigma can actually drive changes to design
components of a vehicle which meet the desires and
expectations of customers. However, Six Sigma should
only be used where there is value. If you already know
the root cause of a problem, go fix it, don't apply
Six Sigma.
Six Sigma represents a highly disciplined--hence somewhat
restrictive--approach to continuous improvement of
quality and productivity. It is an excellent approach
to improving defined processes. It is of little value
in dealing with uncontrolled processes or in product
design without some major deviations from "normal"
Six Sigma. It can make a good company better--if it
involves active engagement from top to bottom including
CEO--but it cannot make a weak company good.
I am a certified green belt with a Fortune 500 company.
I can see some amazing improvements in processes that
have been broken for years, but I've also seen the tools
of Six Sigma taken too far and used where it doesn't
make sense. Doing everything within the Six Sigma framework
has actually increased costs and the time it takes to
do some things. Overall, I'd give it a thumbs up, just
because it is making us look at all of our processes.
Is it worth it? For now, yes. Long term? I doubt it.
And finally, a dissenter:
Six Sigma is just Jack Welchified TQM. It is a senior
management copout when faced with real process reengineering
a la Michael Hammer. Yes, my company uses Six Sigma , and
it claims major cost savings. My actual experiences, however,
are the most bogus spreadsheets in the history of the planet,
total focus on costs, not benefits, and ridiculous assumptions
presented as facts - e.g. "MySQL is the functional equivalent
of MS SQL Server (a sure sign of early brain death), and
mafia-like accounting practices. In the Michael Hammer
approach, most of the non value adding senior managers
would lose their jobs - hence, Six Sigma.
Tell us your Six Sigma story.
Art Jahnke
Web Editorial Director,
ajahnke at
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~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-White Papers and Webcasts-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
**CXO Media's Executive Policy Forum kicks off
US Dept. of Homeland Security Event**
On Monday, January 12, 2004, join our nation's leaders
via webcast to discuss Securing Our Future: Balancing
Homeland Security with Corporate Prosperity. The CXO Media
Executive Policy Forum 4 is produced like a televised
policy roundtable and will engage participants in an open,
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audience of government, business, and technology elite.
Learn more about this webcast and the featured speakers at:
Strategic Directions
The ROI of CRM: Strategies for Measuring and Maximizing
Customer Relationships
The Road to Authentication
Are tokens better than passwords? Are smart cards better than
tokens? Are you ready for digital certificates? If you are feeling
lost along the road to better authentication, catch a ride with us
and get answers to questions like these as we examine various
authentication solutions and help you choose the right one for
your business. For more information:
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