RFC: patch for bsd.port.mk to use ${PORTSDIR}/MOVED
Clement Laforet
sheepkiller at cultdeadsheep.org
Sun Aug 17 04:56:51 PDT 2003
This night I wrote a patch for bsd.port.mk to make it use
${PORTSDIR}/MOVED to find moved dependencies.
It was primarily written to make a smooth migration from current 2
levels ports tree to a hypothetic 3 levels ports tree, but it can be
used for "transparent" translation from a renamed dependency or a moved
port to a new location (if the dependency was deleted you'll have a
warn). For the moment the patch is suboptimal and doesn't support double
checks (i.e. when a port matches in ${PORTSDIR}/MOVED, and its
"translation" is errorneous, it doesn't work, it fails silently).
In some cases, like BUILD-DEPENDS-LISTS and RUN-DEPENDS-LIST, I wasn't
able to add a check to avoid a useless lookup in ${PORTSDIR}/MOVED.
The main advantage of this patch is that it easily keeps (for a short
period of time) ports tree consistency.
I've tested it mostly with a "test port" which have :
1 "misfiled", 1 deleted and 1 moved RUN_DEPENDS
1 "misfiled", 1 deleted and 1 moved BUILD_DEPENDS
1 "misfiled", 1 deleted and 1 moved LIB_DEPENDS
And it seems to work with all this port commands :
- all related to RUN-DEPENDS-LIST
- all related to ALL-DEPENDS-LIST
- all related to BUILD-DEPENDS-LIST
- package-depends-list
- LIB_DEPENDS (i.e. make depends and port building)
- make descride (what a dirty patch !! I'm not a perl guru ;-))
Maybe I forgot some function.
Before spamming PR database and portmgr, I would appreciate any
comments, ideas, improvements or whatever you want about this patch :-)
The patch can also be found here:
Index: bsd.port.mk
RCS file: /WORK/CVS/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk,v
retrieving revision 1.462
diff -u -r1.462 bsd.port.mk
--- bsd.port.mk 15 Aug 2003 22:57:58 -0000 1.462
+++ bsd.port.mk 17 Aug 2003 10:31:55 -0000
@@ -920,6 +920,7 @@
.if defined(USE_BZIP2)
EXTRACT_SUFX?= .tar.bz2
.elif defined(USE_ZIP)
@@ -3839,8 +3840,28 @@
fi; \
if [ $$notfound != 0 ]; then \
${ECHO_MSG} "===> Verifying $$target for $$lib in $$dir"; \
+ direxists=1; \
if [ ! -d "$$dir" ]; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} " >> No directory for $$lib. Skipping.."; \
+ newdir=`${EGREP} "^$${dir##${PORTSDIR}/}\|" ${PORTSDIR}/${MOVEDFILE} | \
+ ${AWK} -F\| ' $$2 ~ /^$$/ {print $$1" has been removed on " $$3 ". reason: "$$4; exit }; \
+ { print "${PORTSDIR}/" $$2};'` ;\
+ if ( [ `echo "$$newdir" | wc -w` -gt "1" ] ); then \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} " >> $$newdir"; \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} " >> Please informs the maintainer (${MAINTAINER})"; \
+ elif ( [ -d "$$newdir" ] ) ; then \
+ dir=$$newdir; \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} " >> DEPENDENCY HAS MOVED to $$newdir";\
+ ${ECHO_MSG} " >> Please informs the maintainer (${MAINTAINER})"; \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Verifying $$target for $$lib in $$dir"; \
+ direxists=0; \
+ else \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} " >> Can't find any informations in ${PORTSDIR}/${MOVEDFILE}"; \
+ fi;\
+ else \
+ direxists=0; \
+ fi; \
+ if [ ! "$$direxists" -eq "0" ]; then \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} " >> No directory for $$lib. Skipping..."; \
else \
if [ X${USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS} != "X" ]; then \
subpkgfile=`(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} $$depends_args -V PKGFILE)`; \
@@ -3898,6 +3919,11 @@
checked="${PARENT_CHECKED}"; \
for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${EXTRACT_DEPENDS} ${PATCH_DEPENDS} ${FETCH_DEPENDS} ${BUILD_DEPENDS} ${LIB_DEPENDS} ${RUN_DEPENDS}" | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//') $$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DEPENDS} | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//'); do \
+ if [ ! -d $$dir ] ; then \
+ newdir=`${EGREP} "^$${dir\#\#${PORTSDIR}/}\|" ${PORTSDIR}/${MOVEDFILE} | \
+ ${AWK} -F\| ' $$2 ~ /^[a-z]+/ { print "${PORTSDIR}/" $$2};'`; \
+ [ $${\#newdir} -ge 1 ] && [ -d $$newdir ] && dir=$$newdir; \
+ fi; \
if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
if (${ECHO_CMD} $$checked | ${GREP} -qwv "$$dir"); then \
child=$$(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} PARENT_CHECKED="$$checked" all-depends-list); \
@@ -3906,7 +3932,7 @@
checked="$$dir $$child $$checked"; \
fi; \
else \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$dir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
+ ${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$dir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete " >&2; \
fi; \
done | sort -u
@@ -4011,6 +4037,9 @@
for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${EXTRACT_DEPENDS} ${PATCH_DEPENDS} ${FETCH_DEPENDS} ${BUILD_DEPENDS} ${LIB_DEPENDS}" | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//' | sort -u) $$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DEPENDS} | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//' | sort -u); do \
+ newdir=`${EGREP} "^$${dir\#\#${PORTSDIR}/}\|" ${PORTSDIR}/${MOVEDFILE} | \
+ ${AWK} -F\| ' $$2 ~ /^[a-z]+/ { print "${PORTSDIR}/" $$2};'`; \
+ [ $${\#newdir} -ge 1 ] && [ -d $$newdir ] && dir=$$newdir; \
if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
${ECHO_CMD} $$dir; \
else \
@@ -4023,6 +4052,9 @@
for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${LIB_DEPENDS} ${RUN_DEPENDS}" | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//' | sort -u) $$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DEPENDS} | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//' | sort -u); do \
+ newdir=`${EGREP} "^$${dir\#\#${PORTSDIR}/}\|" ${PORTSDIR}/${MOVEDFILE} | \
+ ${AWK} -F\| ' $$2 ~ /^$$/ {print "FALSE"; exit}; { print "${PORTSDIR}/" $$2};'`; \
+ [ "$$newdir" != "" ] && [ -d $$newdir ] && dir=$$newdir;\
if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
${ECHO_CMD} $$dir; \
else \
@@ -4053,6 +4085,11 @@
checked="${PARENT_CHECKED}"; \
for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${LIB_DEPENDS} ${RUN_DEPENDS}" | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//') $$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DEPENDS} | ${TR} '\040' '\012' | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//'); do \
dir=$$(${REALPATH} $$dir); \
+ if [ ! -d $$dir ] ; then \
+ newdir=`${EGREP} "^$${dir\#\#${PORTSDIR}/}\|" ${PORTSDIR}/${MOVEDFILE} | \
+ ${AWK} -F\| ' $$2 ~ /^[a-z]+/ { print "${PORTSDIR}/" $$2};'`; \
+ [ $${\#newdir} -ge 1 ] && [ -d $$newdir ] && dir=$$newdir; \
+ fi; \
if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
if (${ECHO_CMD} $$checked | ${GREP} -qwv "$$dir"); then \
childout=$$(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} CHILD_DEPENDS=yes PARENT_CHECKED="$$checked" package-depends-list); \
@@ -4123,10 +4160,30 @@
my @dirs = @$$i; \
@$$i = (); \
for (@dirs) { \
+ my $$portdir = $$_ ; \
+ my $$direxists = 1;\
if (-d $$_) { \
- push @$$i, $$_; \
+ $$direxists = 0;\
+ } else { \
+ my $$portsdir="${PORTSDIR}"; \
+ $$_ =~ s/$$portsdir\///;\
+ my $$newdir = my $$cond = $$_ ; \
+ while (<MIGRATE>) { \
+ if (/^$$cond\|/) { \
+ (my $$origdir, $$newdir, my $$date, my $$reason) = split (/\|/); \
+ if ( -d "$$portsdir/$$newdir" && ( $$newdir ne "")) { \
+ $$portdir = "$$portsdir/$$newdir"; \
+ $$direxists = 0;\
+ } \
+ } \
+ }\
+ close(MIGRATE);\
+ }\
+ if ($$direxists eq "0") { \
+ push @$$i, $$portdir;\
} else { \
- print STDERR qq{${PKGNAME}: \"$$_\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete\n}; \
+ print STDERR qq{${PKGNAME}: \"$$portdir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete\n}; \
} \
} \
} \
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