FreeBSD ports: 10 unfetchable distfiles: editors/AbiWord2,graphics/gimp-devel,palm/gnomepilot-conduits2,www/galeon,www/galeon2,www/libgtkhtml,x11-fonts/bitstream-vera,x11-fonts/fontconfig,x11-toolkits/gail,x11-toolkits/gal2

Martin Klaffenboeck martin.klaffenboeck at
Mon Apr 21 11:08:20 PDT 2003

Am 2003.04.21 19:01 schrieb(en) Bill "distfiles" Fenner:
> Dear gnome at,
> 	You are listed as the FreeBSD port maintainer for 10 ports
> whose distfiles [or main web pages] are not fetchable from their
> MASTER_SITES.  Could you please visit

There seems to be something wrong.  I checked the site and noticed, for 
me this is fetchable:

editors/AbiWord2: 0 files fetchable out of 1  (0 ok, 0 bad, 7 skipped)

I got another such message from you on zodb3 where it is also fetchable.
Please run your test script again and patch it so that it checks it a 
few times (with a few hours between each fetch) so that we can be sure 
it does not work.


> and correct the problems listed there?  The individual ports with
> problems are 
> editors/AbiWord2,graphics/gimp-devel,palm/gnomepilot-conduits2,www/galeon,www/galeon2,www/libgtkhtml,x11-fonts/bitstream-vera,x11-fonts/fontconfig,x11-toolkits/gail,x11-toolkits/gal2.
> 	Note that the main port web page, as listed in the WWW: line
> of the pkg-descr, is checked just as though it was a port distfile.
> This is an unfortunate side effect of the architecture of the distfile
> survey reporting tool, but if you see a distfile being reported as
> not fetchable that's not actually a distfile, see if it's from the
> pkg-descr.
> 	If you have already corrected the problems and submitted a
> PR, please accept my thanks and apologies for the delay in getting the
> fixes into the tree.  This reminder is created automatically and does
> not (yet) have a way to know if a PR fixing the problem has been
> submitted.  Please do *NOT* send your response to me directly; I do
> not always have time to commit your fix; please instead submit a PR
> via 'send-pr' so it doesn't get lost.
> 	Problems are usually of two types:
> 1. The software package has been upgraded and the version in the
> port has been removed.  The best solution to this problem is to
> upgrade the port to the most current version of the software package.
> If you are a FreeBSD committer, then you can just upgrade the port
> directly.  If not, you should create the updated port on your own
> machine,
> test it (and maybe even run "portlint" on it), and then use "send-pr"
> to submit a "diff -uNr old-port updated-port".  If you added or
> deleted
> any files, please make an explicit note of it.
> 2. The mirror site being used no longer contains the software package
> in question, or no longer exists.  Solutions include:
> 	a) If there are other mirror sites, just remove the bad site
> 	from the list.  (Make sure that what appears to be a bad site
> 	isn't actually a problem of type 1, upgrade)
> 	b) If the README or other support files in the software
> 	documentation mention where to get the software package,
> 	use one of those sites.
> 	c) Use ftpsearch ( or other
> 	search engines to find another place to get the original
> 	DISTFILES.  Make sure that you don't pick a FreeBSD distfiles
> 	mirror -- if you can't find any other places where the file
> 	exists, it can be a LOCAL_PORT or you can simply comment out
> 	the MASTER_SITES= line, with a comment explaining why.
> Once you have a solution, use "send-pr" to submit a "diff -u" of the
> Makefile.
> 	Note that this isn't an urgent issue, as people who try to
> build the port now will just fall back to the FreeBSD distfiles
> mirror.
> Please just put it on your list to do and get to it when you have
> time.
> These messages will continue to arrive twice a month until the fix is
> committed, as a reminder.
> Thanks,
>   Bill "distfiles" Fenner.
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