gaim v0.60 port broken

Adam blueeskimo at
Mon Apr 7 08:39:34 PDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 11:17, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> The problem is in your ports tree.  It looks like you don't have the
> latest libao port in /usr/ports/audio.  libao does, in fact, install
> shared lib version 3.  Please re-cvsup your ports and try again.

I cvsup my ports tree twice daily, and in had just finished updating
before installing gaim v0.60. I just cvsup'ed again, and nothing from
libao was updated. 

Like I said in my original email, once I manually installed libao, gaim
installed fine. 

-$ cat /usr/ports/audio/libao/distinfo 
MD5 (libao-0.8.3.tar.gz) = b1422a6ff7f58131921b9f2fabe2295c

-$ cat /usr/ports/net/gaim/distinfo    
MD5 (gaim-0.60.tar.gz) = 464ae767fba53ff7a95de4ae40e5a42e

Adam <blueeskimo at>

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