[Bug 246955] Update to cups-pdf broke cups printing to pdfs. Removal of cups-pdf broke cups entirely.

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Wed Jun 3 12:55:41 UTC 2020


            Bug ID: 246955
           Summary: Update to cups-pdf broke cups printing to pdfs.
                    Removal of cups-pdf broke cups entirely.
           Product: Ports & Packages
           Version: Latest
          Hardware: amd64
                OS: Any
            Status: New
          Severity: Affects Only Me
          Priority: ---
         Component: Individual Port(s)
          Assignee: ports-bugs at FreeBSD.org
          Reporter: byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca


Since removing the latest cups-pdf pkg the cupsd service is unable to print
anything.  The following errors are reported in /var/log/cups/error_log for a
single line text file printed from Pluma:

. . .
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] STATE: -connecting-to-device
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and
dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722]
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=5,
addr=0x801d08188, side_cb=0x1028140)
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] pdftops - copying to temp print file
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by
the PPD: None; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-postscript => pdftopdf
will not log pages in page_log.
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] PDF interactive form and annotation
flattening done via QPDF
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Printer make and model: Lexmark
Lexmark T630 Laser Printer
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Running command line for pstops:
pstops 1722 username \'Unsaved Document 2\' 1 \'JCLPortRotation=None
JCLPictureGrade=PrtSet noLXCollate noOutputBin Resolution=300dpi
InputSlot=AutoSelect Duplex=None JCLTonerDarkness=None PageSize=Letter
MediaType=Plain job-uuid=urn:uuid:e3ddce36-fbfe-39c5-521b-399d99e2da35
job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation=
date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1591188071
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Using image rendering resolution 300
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Running command line for gs: gs -q
-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sstdout=%stderr -sDEVICE=ps2write
-dShowAcroForm -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray
-sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dLanguageLevel=3 -r300 -dCompressFonts=false
-dNoT3CCITT -dNOINTERPOLATE -c \'save pop\' -f
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Started filter gs (PID 24671)
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Started filter pstops (PID 24672)
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] While reading gs_ll3.ps:
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Error: /undefinedresource in
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Operand stack:
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] true  
  (gs_ll3.ps)   1   Pscript5Idiom.pkgsave   IdiomSet   7  
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Execution stack:
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] %interp_exit   --nostringval--  
findresource   %loop_continue   findresource   findresource   findresource  
false   1   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   1902   8   5   %oparray_pop  
findresource   findresource   --dict:16/18(ro)(G)--   --dict:2/2(G)--  
findresource   1   %dict_continue   findresource   findresource   1900   6   5 
 %oparray_pop   findresource   %errorexec_pop   findresource   findresource  
findresource   findresource
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Dictionary stack:
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] --dict:956/1123(G)--  
--dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:77/200(L)--   --dict:956/1123(G)--  
--dict:38/43(G)--   --dict:16/18(ro)(G)--
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Current allocation mode is global
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Current file position is 18941
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] The print file is empty.
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] PID 24672 (pstops) stopped with
status 1!
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] PID 24671 (gs) stopped with status 1!
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] PID 24669
(/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/pdftops) stopped with status 1.
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] PID 24670
(/usr/local/libexec/cups/backend/lpd) exited with no errors.
D [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] Discarding unused job-state-changed event...
E [03/Jun/2020:08:41:11 -0400] [Job 1722] Job stopped due to filter errors;
please consult the /var/log/cups/error_log file for details.
. . .

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