[Bug 239144] Identify generic RC framework extensions to improve ports script debugging

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Fri Aug 2 13:46:56 UTC 2019


Greg Veldman <freebsd at gregv.net> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |freebsd at gregv.net

--- Comment #7 from Greg Veldman <freebsd at gregv.net> ---
Some daemons can be quite verbose, and can be so long after startup.  Making a
global change to redirect all that to syslog is actually a fairly significant
functionality change, especially on small/embedded systems where the admin
might not want all that extra info.

Maybe I'm being overly simplistic, but if you're having a problem with daemon
startup, why not just look in the rc script, see what it's doing, then do that
manually from your terminal with whatever levels of debug/verbosity/output
redirection you find most appropriate?  The primary function of the rc
framework is to be an automation tool, not a debugging tool, IMHO.  Which isn't
to say making debugging easier is a bad thing, but rather if something like
this is implemented on a large scale the defaults should probably reflect the
current behavior, with the option for the local admin to change if desired.

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