[Bug 199941] [revive port]: re-establish print/acroreadwrapper

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 12 00:40:53 UTC 2016


Vladimir Krstulja <vlad-fbsd at acheronmedia.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Severity|Affects Many People         |Affects Some People
           Keywords|                            |patch
             Status|New                         |Closed
         Resolution|---                         |Feedback Timeout
           Assignee|freebsd-ports-bugs at FreeBSD. |vlad-fbsd at acheronmedia.com
                   |org                         |

--- Comment #6 from Vladimir Krstulja <vlad-fbsd at acheronmedia.com> ---
As there's no more interest in this, and as there are options if anyone insists
on using the port, I'm closing this.

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