[Bug 214767] Add make (ports) targets that alias pkg lock/unlock commands to be consistent with other available commands/expectations

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sat Dec 3 03:07:46 UTC 2016


Kubilay Kocak <koobs at FreeBSD.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Assignee|koobs at FreeBSD.org           |portmgr at FreeBSD.org
              Flags|                            |maintainer-feedback?(portmg
                   |                            |r at FreeBSD.org)
         Resolution|Not A Bug                   |---
           Severity|Affects Many People         |Affects Some People
            Summary|There are 'pkg lock' and    |Add make (ports) targets
                   |'pkg unlock' but 'make      |that alias pkg lock/unlock
                   |lock' and 'make unlock'     |commands to be consistent
                   |targets does not exist.     |with other available
                   |                            |commands/expectations
           Keywords|                            |easy, feature, needs-patch
             Status|Closed                      |Open
                 CC|                            |koobs at FreeBSD.org

--- Comment #3 from Kubilay Kocak <koobs at FreeBSD.org> ---
Re-open and update summary to clarify this as a consistency/user
experience/pola issue.

+1 on the feature

@Vermaden If you would like to and could provide a patch for this, that would
be welcome.

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