[Bug 206771] games/taipan: Subscript out of bounds.

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sun Apr 10 01:29:12 UTC 2016


Jason Unovitch <junovitch at freebsd.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |junovitch at freebsd.org
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
           Assignee|freebsd-ports-bugs at FreeBSD. |junovitch at freebsd.org
                   |org                         |
              Flags|                            |merge-quarterly+
             Status|New                         |Closed

--- Comment #15 from Jason Unovitch <junovitch at freebsd.org> ---
Both GCC and Clang will warn when compiling outside of the ports collection so
I just added this as is without any LICENSE changes and MFH'd this as a fix.

David, thank you for the report!

Christoph, thanks for the patch!  Technically PR patches would normally be
generated from doing something along the lines of `cd /usr/ports/games/taipan;
svn diff > ~/taipain.patch`.  You attached just the patch-taipan.c file.  That
was fine in this simple case as it just replaced the existing patch-taipan.c
file and at a minimal required a PORTREVISION bump to the Makefile.  That's
easy enough for me to do pre-commit but keep this in mind and take a look at
the helpful guidance in the Porter's Handbook next time. [1]

[1] https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/

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