[Bug 202404] [MAINTAINER] multimedia/mplayer2: updates to Makefile

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Tue Aug 25 12:53:36 UTC 2015


--- Comment #13 from Jan Beich <jbeich at FreeBSD.org> ---
Comment on attachment 160301
  --> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=160301

> +		--disable-gif \

Have you checked if maybe mplayer contains the fix?

  $ svn log -v svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk/libvo/vo_gif89a.c
  r37293 | al | 2014-10-05 06:39:08 +0400 (Sun, 05 Oct 2014) | 3 lines
  Changed paths:
     M /trunk/libmpdemux/demux_gif.c
     M /trunk/libvo/vo_gif89a.c

  Fix build for GIFLIB versions 5.1 and higher

  r36367 | al | 2013-07-28 01:16:06 +0400 (Sun, 28 Jul 2013) | 24 lines
  Changed paths:
     M /trunk/configure
     M /trunk/libmpdemux/demux_gif.c
     M /trunk/libvo/vo_gif89a.c

  Support newer GIFLIB versions

  Work with GIFLIB version >= 4.2

  Several functions have been renamed or changed in signature.

  GIFLIB is used by vo gif89a and demuxer gif.

  Note about GIFLIB Version 4.2:
  It does not work with vanilla GIFLIB 4.2 but it works with
  versions that have re-added quantize support like e.g. the
  package from arch linux.

  Note about GIFLIB Version 5:
  The newly added GCB functions use size_t but the necessary
  standard headers are not included in gif_lib.h . To workaround

  * configure: use statement_check_broken to include stdlib.h
  * vo gif89: include gif_lib.h after stdlib.h
  * demuxer gif: no workaround needed,
                 gif_lib.h is already included after stdlib.h

> -RTC_DESC=	Enable kernel realtime clock timing
> -PULSE_DESC=	Enable PulseAudio support
> -THEORA_DESC=	Enable ogg theora video support
>  ASS_DESC=	Enable ASS/SSA subtitle rendering
> -WIN32_DESC=	Enable win32 codec set on the IA32 arch
> -REALPLAYER_DESC=Enable realplayer plugin
> -LIRC_DESC=	Enable lirc support
> +DVDREAD_DESC=	DVD Playback support
> +DVDNAV_DESC=	DVD menu navigation
> +ENCA_DESC=	Enable encoding detection support
> +LIBAV_DESC=	Enable libav support
>  LIBCDIO_DESC=	Enable libcdio support
> +LIRC_DESC=	Enable lirc support
> +PULSE_DESC=	Enable PulseAudio support
> +REALPLAYER_DESC=Enable realplayer plugin
> +RTC_DESC=	Enable kernel realtime clock timing
> +THEORA_DESC=	Enable ogg theora video support

Maybe standardize on option names and their descriptions using


mplayer2 builds fine with ASS=on ENCA=off. I've misunderstood what
--disable-ass --disable-enca was supposed to accomplish. The line can go away.

> +DV_CONFIGURE_ON=	--enable-libdv
> +DV_CONFIGURE_OFF=	--disable-libdv
> +IPV6_CONFIGURE_ON=	--enable-inet6
> +IPV6_CONFIGURE_OFF=	--disable-inet6
> +JACK_CONFIGURE_ON=	--enable-jack
> +JACK_CONFIGURE_OFF=	--disable-jack
[and many more]

Do you have a reason to prefer _CONFIGURE_(ON|OFF) over _CONFIGURE_ENABLE?

> +LIBAV_LIB_DEPENDS=	libavresample.so:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/libav
> +LIBAV_CONFIGURE_ENABLE=	libavresample
> +LIBAV_LIBS=		-lavresample

Does this actually work? multimedia/libav alters its libraries' names to avoid
conflict with multimedia/ffmpeg. pkg-config won't find them without extra

  $ pkg which -o /usr/local/lib/libavresample.so
  /usr/local/lib/libavresample.so was installed by package multimedia/ffmpeg

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