ports/187070: [NEW PORT] net/qjsonrpc: C++ Qt based JSON RPC2 library

pawel at FreeBSD.org pawel at FreeBSD.org
Sun Mar 23 10:52:43 UTC 2014

Synopsis: [NEW PORT] net/qjsonrpc: C++ Qt based JSON RPC2 library

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: pawel
State-Changed-When: Sun Mar 23 10:48:12 UTC 2014
Thanks for your submissions, however there are few things to fix before
it can be committed. Please check your work with ports-mgmt/portlint
before submitting.

[caprica@~/qjsonrpc]% portlint -abt WARN: /home/corn/qjsonrpc/pkg-plist:
[9]: installing shared libraries, please define USE_LDCONFIG as
appropriate WARN: /home/corn/qjsonrpc/pkg-plist: [10]: installing shared
libraries, please define USE_LDCONFIG as appropriate FATAL:
/home/corn/qjsonrpc/pkg-plist: [13]: installing pkg-config files into
lib/pkgconfig.  All pkg-config files must be installed into
libdata/pkgconfig for them to be found by pkg-config.  FATAL: Makefile:
[11]: use a tab (not space) after a variable name FATAL: Makefile: [12]:
use a tab (not space) after a variable name FATAL: Makefile: [13]: use a
tab (not space) after a variable name FATAL: Makefile: [14]: use a tab
(not space) after a variable name WARN: Makefile: [19]: use a tab (not
space) after a variable name FATAL: Makefile: [20]: use a tab (not
space) after a variable name FATAL: Makefile: [1]: old style headers
found.  FATAL: Makefile: extra item "WRKSRC" placed in the PORTNAME
section.  WARN: Makefile: only one MASTER_SITE configured.  Consider
adding additional mirrors.  FATAL: Makefile: extra item "BUILD_DEPENDS"
placed in the LICENSE section.  FATAL: Makefile: extra item "USE_QT_VER"
placed in the LICENSE section.  WARN: Makefile: "LICENSE" has to appear
earlier.  FATAL: no /home/corn/qjsonrpc/distinfo in ".".  11 fatal
errors and 5 warnings found.


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