ports/183936: [exp-run] bsd.gnome.mk ltverhack component update

Koop Mast kwm at FreeBSD.org
Wed Nov 13 20:40:00 UTC 2013

>Number:         183936
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [exp-run] bsd.gnome.mk ltverhack component update
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Nov 13 20:40:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Koop Mast
>Release:        FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT amd64
System: FreeBSD freefall.freebsd.org 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #2 r255453: Mon Sep 16 12:43:32 UTC 2013 root at freefall.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FREEFALL amd64

	Update ltverhack to not have a hard depend on libtool. There shouldn't
	be any problems with this patch but to really really make sure there
	isn't any fallout please do a exp-run.


--- bsd.gnome.mk.ltverhack.diff begins here ---
Index: Mk/bsd.gnome.mk
--- Mk/bsd.gnome.mk	(revision 333717)
+++ Mk/bsd.gnome.mk	(working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 #	$NetBSD: $
-#     $MCom: ports/trunk/Mk/bsd.gnome.mk 18867 2013-11-08 11:53:32Z kwm $
+#     $MCom: ports/trunk/Mk/bsd.gnome.mk 18891 2013-11-13 20:05:59Z kwm $
 # Please view me with 4 column tabs!
@@ -710,17 +710,18 @@
 # included in the post-makefile section).
 .if defined(_AUTOTOOL_libtool)
 lthacks_CONFIGURE_ENV=		ac_cv_path_DOLT_BASH=
-lthacks_PRE_PATCH=		${CP} -pf ${LTMAIN} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-ltmain.sh && \
-						${CP} -pf ${LIBTOOL} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool && \
-						for file in ${LIBTOOLFILES}; do \
-							${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-								'/^ltmain=/!s|$$ac_aux_dir/ltmain\.sh|${LIBTOOLFLAGS} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-ltmain.sh|g; \
-								 /^LIBTOOL=/s|$$(top_builddir)/libtool|${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool|g' \
-								${PATCH_WRKSRC}/$$file; \
-						done;
+lthacks_PRE_PATCH=	\
+	${CP} -pf ${LTMAIN} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-ltmain.sh && \
+	${CP} -pf ${LIBTOOL} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool && \
+	for file in ${LIBTOOLFILES}; do \
+		${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+		'/^ltmain=/!s|$$ac_aux_dir/ltmain\.sh|${LIBTOOLFLAGS} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-ltmain.sh|g; \
+		 /^LIBTOOL=/s|$$(top_builddir)/libtool|${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool|g' \
+		${PATCH_WRKSRC}/$$file; \
+	done;
-.  if ${USE_GNOME:Mltverhack*}!="" || ${USE_GNOME:Mltasneededhack}!=""
-IGNORE=	cannot install: ${PORTNAME} uses the ltverhack and/or ltasneededhack GNOME components but does not use libtool
+.  if ${USE_GNOME:Mltasneededhack}!=""
+IGNORE=	cannot install: ${PORTNAME} uses the ltasneededhack GNOME component but does not use libtool
 .  endif
@@ -729,23 +730,32 @@
 ltverhack_LIB_VERSION=	major=".${USE_GNOME:Mltverhack\:*:C/^[^:]+:([^:]+).*/\1/}"
+.if defined(USE_AUTOTOOLS) &&  ${USE_AUTOTOOLS:Mlibtool*}
-ltverhack_PRE_PATCH=	for file in gnome-ltmain.sh gnome-libtool; do \
-							if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/$$file ]; then \
-								${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-									'/freebsd-elf)/,/;;/ s|major="\.$$current"|${ltverhack_LIB_VERSION}|; \
-									 /freebsd-elf)/,/;;/ s|versuffix="\.$$current"|versuffix="$$major"|' \
-									${WRKDIR}/$$file; \
-							fi; \
-						done
+ltverhack_PATCH_FILES=	../gnome-ltmain.sh ../gnome-libtool
+ltverhack_PATCH_FILES=	ltmain.sh libtool
+ltverhack_PRE_PATCH=	\
+	for file in ${ltverhack_PATCH_FILES}; do \
+		if [ -f ${WRKSRC}/$$file ]; then \
+			${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+			'/freebsd-elf)/,/;;/ s|major="\.$$current"|${ltverhack_LIB_VERSION}|; \
+			 /freebsd-elf)/,/;;/ s|versuffix="\.$$current"|versuffix="$$major"|' \
+			${WRKSRC}/$$file; \
+		fi; \
+	done
-ltasneededhack_PRE_PATCH=	if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool ]; then \
-								${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-									'/^archive_cmds=/s/-shared/-shared -Wl,--as-needed/ ; \
-									/^archive_expsym_cmds=/s/-shared/-shared -Wl,--as-needed/' \
-									${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool; \
-							fi
+ltasneededhack_PRE_PATCH=	\
+	if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool ]; then \
+		${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+		'/^archive_cmds=/s/-shared/-shared -Wl,--as-needed/ ; \
+		 /^archive_expsym_cmds=/s/-shared/-shared -Wl,--as-needed/' \
+		${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool; \
+	fi
 # Set USE_CSTD for all ports that depend on glib12
 .if defined(_USE_GNOME) && !empty(_USE_GNOME:Mglib12)
@@ -755,10 +765,22 @@
 # Then traverse through all components, check which of them
 # exist in ${_USE_GNOME} and set variables accordingly
 .ifdef _USE_GNOME
-. if ${USE_GNOME:Mltverhack*}!= "" || ${USE_GNOME:Mltasneededhack}!= ""
+. if ${USE_GNOME:Mltasneededhack}!= ""
+. endif
+# this is splitted out from the above entry because fmake is trows a fit otherwise
+. if defined(USE_AUTOTOOLS) && ${USE_AUTOTOOLS:Mlibtool*}
+.  if ${USE_GNOME:Mltverhack*}!= ""
+.  endif
+. endif
+.if defined(_GNOME_NEED_LIBTOOL)
-. endif
 . for component in ${_USE_GNOME:O:u}
 .  if defined(${component}_PATCH_DEPENDS)
--- bsd.gnome.mk.ltverhack.diff ends here ---


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