ports/183522: mail/opendmarc 1.1.3: no IPv6 socket

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Tue Nov 12 15:00:02 UTC 2013

The following reply was made to PR ports/183522; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap at NLnetLabs.nl>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org, Edwin Groothuis <edwin at FreeBSD.org>
Cc: Olaf Zaplinski <olaf at zaplinski.de>
Subject: Re: ports/183522: mail/opendmarc 1.1.3: no IPv6 socket
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 15:57:21 +0100

     Maintainer of mail/opendmarc,
     Please note that PR ports/183522 has just been submitted.
 I'm afraid that this a pilot error.
 (1) The specification in the config file is overwrritten by the startup
     script. One needs to change the this option in rc.conf as in:
         opendmarc_socketspec="inet:8893 at localhost"
 (2) The quoted specification to use the ipv6 loopback address
     contains an error.  It should be:
     (note "inet6") and then one gets the desired result:
         netstat -a | grep 8893
         tcp6       0      0 localhost.8893         *.* LISTEN
 Please close this PR

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