ports/175171: firefox port build eats all CPU cores

Baptiste Daroussin baptiste.daroussin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 07:00:01 UTC 2013

The following reply was made to PR ports/175171; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Baptiste Daroussin <baptiste.daroussin at gmail.com>
To: bug-followup at freebsd.org, wollman at khavrinen.csail.mit.edu
Subject: Re: ports/175171: firefox port build eats all CPU cores
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 07:58:02 +0100

 This is a feature most people do want, so yes this is and will stay
 the default behaviour, at least because we have a mecanism to disable
 via: DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS=yes or a finer grain control via:
 MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER do decide how many core should be used.
 So this is not a bug.

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