ports/184866: emulators/lisaem: Fix build with clang

KATO Tsuguru tkato432 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 16 18:10:18 UTC 2013

>Number:         184866
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       emulators/lisaem: Fix build with clang
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Dec 16 18:10:18 UTC 2013
>Originator:     KATO Tsuguru
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.4-RELEASE-p4 i386
- Fix build with clang

New file:


diff -urN /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/Makefile emulators/lisaem/Makefile
--- /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/Makefile	2013-11-06 22:06:20.000000000 +0900
+++ emulators/lisaem/Makefile	2013-12-17 00:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	lisaem
 CATEGORIES=	emulators
 MASTER_SITES=	http://lisaem.sunder.net/downloads/
@@ -12,25 +12,26 @@
 BUILD_DEPENDS=	pngtopnm:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/netpbm
+LICENSE=	GPLv2 # (or later)
 USE_BZIP2=	yes
 USE_WX=		2.8
-NO_STAGE=	yes
+DESKTOP_ENTRIES="LisaEm" "" "${DATADIR}/lisa2icon.xpm" "${PORTNAME}" "" ""
-		${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/usr/local|${PREFIX}|g" \
-				 -e "s|wx-config|${WX_CONFIG}|g" ${WRKSRC}/build.sh
+	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+		's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g ; \
+		 s|%%WX_CONFIG%%|${WX_CONFIG}|g' ${WRKSRC}/build.sh
-		cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ./build.sh build
+	${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type l -delete
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ./build.sh build
-		@# This file is a symlink to itself; result of mistyped command?
-		${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/resources/resources
-		${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/lisaem ${PREFIX}/bin
-		${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/lisaem
-		${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/resources/* ${PREFIX}/share/lisaem/
-		${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/share/lisaem ${PREFIX}/share/LisaEm
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/bin && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} lisaem ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin)
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/resources && ${INSTALL_DATA} * ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR})
+	${LN} -sf lisaem ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/LisaEm
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
diff -urN /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/files/patch-build.sh emulators/lisaem/files/patch-build.sh
--- /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/files/patch-build.sh	2013-11-06 22:06:20.000000000 +0900
+++ emulators/lisaem/files/patch-build.sh	2013-12-17 00:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 -case "`wx-config --version`" in
-+case "`/usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config --version`" in
++case "`%%WX_CONFIG%% --version`" in
          echo WARNING: wxWidgets versions higher than 2.8 have not been tested.
          echo It might work if they are compiled with backwards compatibility.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
    2.8*) ;;
    *)    echo Could not find wxWidgets 2.8.0 or higher.
 -        echo Please install it and ensure that wx-config is in the path
-+        echo Please install it and ensure that /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config is in the path
++        echo Please install it and ensure that %%WX_CONFIG%% is in the path
          exit 1
@@ -47,11 +47,22 @@
 -  WXREL="`wx-config --release`"
 -  if [ -n "`wx-config --list | grep $WXREL | grep unicode`" ]
-+  WXREL="`/usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config --release`"
-+  if [ -n "`/usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config --list | grep $WXREL | grep unicode`" ]
++  WXREL="`%%WX_CONFIG%% --release`"
++  if [ -n "`%%WX_CONFIG%% --list | grep $WXREL | grep unicode`" ]
+@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
+          PREFIX="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Sunder.NET/LisaEm"
+          PREFIXLIB="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Sunder.NET/LisaEm"
+       else
+-         PREFIX="/usr/local/bin"
+-         PREFIXLIB="/usr/local/share/"
++         PREFIX="%%PREFIX%%/bin"
++         PREFIXLIB="%%PREFIX%%/share/"
+       fi
+   fi
+ fi
 @@ -230,11 +230,11 @@
  # if the object is older than the source, it will return true.
@@ -72,8 +83,8 @@
  					   (default for non-OS X)
 ---with-unicode         Ask wx-config for a unicode build (might not yet work)
 ---without-unicode      Ask wx-config for a non-unicode build (default)
-+--with-unicode         Ask /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config for a unicode build (might not yet work)
-+--without-unicode      Ask /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config for a non-unicode build (default)
++--with-unicode         Ask %%WX_CONFIG%% for a unicode build (might not yet work)
++--without-unicode      Ask %%WX_CONFIG%% for a non-unicode build (default)
  Environment Variables you can pass:
@@ -82,13 +93,13 @@
   # many thanks to David Cecchin for finding the unicode issues fixed below.
 - WXCONFIGFLAGS=`wx-config  --cppflags $WITHUNICODE `
-+ WXCONFIGFLAGS=`/usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config  --cppflags $WITHUNICODE `
   if [ -z "$WXCONFIGFLAGS" ]
 -    echo wx-config has failed, or returned an error.  Ensure that it exists in your path.
 -    which wx-config
-+    echo /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config has failed, or returned an error.  Ensure that it exists in your path.
-+    which /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config
++    echo %%WX_CONFIG%% has failed, or returned an error.  Ensure that it exists in your path.
++    which %%WX_CONFIG%%
      exit 3
 - CFLAGS="-I. -I../include -I../cpu68k -I../wxui $WXCONFIGFLAGS $WITHOPTIMIZE $WITHDEBUG"
@@ -96,13 +107,13 @@
 - LINKOPTS="`wx-config $STATIC  $WITHUNICODE  --libs --linkdeps --cppflags`"
 + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I. -I../include -I../cpu68k -I../wxui $WXCONFIGFLAGS"
 + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I. -I../include -I../cpu68k -I../wxui $WXCONFIGFLAGS"
-+ LINKOPTS="`/usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config $STATIC  $WITHUNICODE  --libs --linkdeps --cppflags`"
++ LINKOPTS="`%%WX_CONFIG%% $STATIC  $WITHUNICODE  --libs --linkdeps --cppflags`"
   if [ -z "$LINKOPTS" ]
 -    echo wx-config has failed, or returned an error.  Ensure that it exists in your path.
 -    which wx-config
-+    echo /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config has failed, or returned an error.  Ensure that it exists in your path.
-+    which /usr/local/bin/wxgtk2-2.8-config
++    echo %%WX_CONFIG%% has failed, or returned an error.  Ensure that it exists in your path.
++    which %%WX_CONFIG%%
      exit 3
@@ -115,3 +126,14 @@
  if [ -f ../bin/lisaem ]
+@@ -960,8 +960,8 @@
+ then
+   echo "Freshly compiled `du -sh lisaem`"
+-  strip lisaem${EXT}
+-  echo "Stripped `du -sh lisaem`"
++# strip lisaem${EXT}
++# echo "Stripped `du -sh lisaem`"
+   # compress it if upx exists.
+   if [ -z "$WITHOUTUPX"              ]; then
diff -urN /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__cpu68k.c emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__cpu68k.c
--- /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__cpu68k.c	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__cpu68k.c	2013-12-17 00:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+--- generator/cpu68k.c.orig
++++ generator/cpu68k.c
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+             continue;
+           }
+         }
+-        if (cpu68k_iibtable[bitmap] != NULL) {EXIT(283,0,"CPU definition #%d conflicts (0x%x)", i, bitmap);}
++        if (cpu68k_iibtable[bitmap] != NULL) {EXITR(283,0,"CPU definition #%d conflicts (0x%x)", i, bitmap);}
+         cpu68k_iibtable[bitmap] = iib;
+         /* set both flag and non-flag versions */
+@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
+   if (j != cpu68k_totalinstr) 
+     {
+-      EXIT(84,0,"Instruction count not verified (%d/%d)\n",
++      EXITR(84,0,"Instruction count not verified (%d/%d)\n",
+                   cpu68k_totalinstr, i);
+     }
+@@ -904,19 +904,19 @@
+ 	else /*---- Nope! We're out of IPCt's, allocate some more.  ----*/
+ 	{
+-        if ( ipcts_free) { EXIT(3,0,"Bug! ipcts_free is %ld, but ipct_free_head is null",ipcts_free);}
++        if ( ipcts_free) { EXITR(3,0,"Bug! ipcts_free is %ld, but ipct_free_head is null",ipcts_free);}
+         //check_iib();
+         /*--- Did we call Malloc too many times? ---*/
+-        if ((iipct_mallocs++)>MAX_IPCT_MALLOCS) { EXIT(2,0,"Excessive mallocs of ipct's recompile with more!");}
++        if ((iipct_mallocs++)>MAX_IPCT_MALLOCS) { EXITR(2,0,"Excessive mallocs of ipct's recompile with more!");}
+ 		size_to_get = (ipcts_allocated/IPCT_ALLOC_PERCENT)+1; // add a percentange of what we have, least 1
+ 		if ( (ipct_mallocs[iipct_mallocs]=(t_ipc_table *)malloc(size_to_get * sizeof(t_ipc_table)+1)  )==NULL)
+ 		{
+             DEBUG_LOG(0,"Out of memory getting more ipcs: %p was returned",  ipct_mallocs[iipct_mallocs]);
+             DEBUG_LOG(0,"%d ipcts allocated so far, %d are free, %d used, %d mallocs done", ipcts_allocated, ipcts_free, ipcts_used, iipct_mallocs);
+-            EXIT(86,0,"Out of memory while allocating more ipct's");
++            EXITR(86,0,"Out of memory while allocating more ipct's");
+ 		}
+ //        DEBUG_LOG(0,"zzzzzzz ipct land allocated:: %p -to- %p", ipct_mallocs[iipct_mallocs], (void *)(ipct_mallocs[iipct_mallocs]+size_to_get * sizeof(t_ipc_table)));
+@@ -1084,8 +1084,8 @@
+         DEBUG_LOG(1000,"Nope - calling get_ipct()");
+ 		mmu_trn->table=get_ipct(); // allocate an ipc table for this mmu_t
+         table=mmu_trn->table;
+-        if (!table) {EXIT(21,0,"Couldn't get IPC Table! Doh!");}
+-        if (pc&1) {EXIT(14,0,"odd pc!");}
++        if (!table) {EXITR(21,0,"Couldn't get IPC Table! Doh!");}
++        if (pc&1) {EXITR(14,0,"odd pc!");}
+         //check_iib();
+@@ -1094,11 +1094,11 @@
+ 			// ipc points to the MMU translation table entry for this page.
+             ipc = &(table->ipc[((pc>>1) & 0xff)]);
+             DEBUG_LOG(200,"ipc is now %p at pc %06x max %06x",ipc,pc,xpc);
+-            if (!ipc) {EXIT(501,0,"cpu68k_makeipclist: But! ipc is null!"); }
+-            if (pc&1) {EXIT(501,0,"odd pc!");}
++            if (!ipc) {EXITR(501,0,"cpu68k_makeipclist: But! ipc is null!"); }
++            if (pc&1) {EXITR(501,0,"odd pc!");}
+ 		}
+         else
+-        {EXIT(502,0,"Let the bodies hit the floor!\nLet the bodies hit the floor!\nLet the bodies hit the floor!\n\n  Either mmu_trn or table is null!");}
++        {EXITR(502,0,"Let the bodies hit the floor!\nLet the bodies hit the floor!\nLet the bodies hit the floor!\n\n  Either mmu_trn or table is null!");}
+ 	}
+     //check_iib();
+@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@
+         if ( !ipc)
+                 {
+-                    EXIT(17,0,"ipc=NULL\n1. Something's got to give 2. Something's got to give. 3. Something's got to give 4. Something's got to give.\nNOW!");
++                    EXITR(17,0,"ipc=NULL\n1. Something's got to give 2. Something's got to give. 3. Something's got to give 4. Something's got to give.\nNOW!");
+                 }
+     //check_iib();
+@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
+     if ( !ipc)
+                 {
+-                    EXIT(20,0,"ipc=NULL\n1. Something's got to give 2. Something's got to give. 3. Something's got to give 4. Something's got to give.\nNOW!");
++                    EXITR(20,0,"ipc=NULL\n1. Something's got to give 2. Something's got to give. 3. Something's got to give 4. Something's got to give.\nNOW!");
+                 }
+     //check_iib();
+@@ -1236,8 +1236,8 @@
+         // fflush(buglog);
+         // #endif
+-        if (!iib) {EXIT(53,0,"There's no proper IIB for the possibly illegal instruction opcode %04x @ pc=%08x\n",opcode,pc);}
+-        if ( !ipc)  {EXIT(54,0,"Have a cow man! ipc=NULL\n"); }
++        if (!iib) {EXITR(53,0,"There's no proper IIB for the possibly illegal instruction opcode %04x @ pc=%08x\n",opcode,pc);}
++        if ( !ipc)  {EXITR(54,0,"Have a cow man! ipc=NULL\n"); }
+         //DEBUG_LOG(200,"ipc is %s",(!ipc)?"null":"ok");
+@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@
+ 		// grow the list of ipcs if we need to.
+ 		if (instrs>=ipcs_to_get)
+ 		{
+-            EXIT(24,0,"Welcome to the realms of chaos! I'm dealing with over %d instructions, %d ipcs! %d/%d/%d pc=%d/%08x",instrs,ipcs_to_get,segment1,segment2,start,context,pc);
++            EXITR(24,0,"Welcome to the realms of chaos! I'm dealing with over %d instructions, %d ipcs! %d/%d/%d pc=%d/%08x",instrs,ipcs_to_get,segment1,segment2,start,context,pc);
+             pc24=pc;
+ 		}
+@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@
+               table=mmu_trn->table;
+               if (!table) {
+-                           EXIT(99,0,"Couldnt get IPC Table! Doh!\n");}
++                           EXITR(99,0,"Couldnt get IPC Table! Doh!\n");}
+               //if (pc&1) {DEBUG_LOG(200,"odd pc!"); EXIT(26);}
+             }
+@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@
+                  // check_iib();
+-                  if (!table) {EXIT(27,0,"Couldnt get IPC Table! Doh!");}
++                  if (!table) {EXITR(27,0,"Couldnt get IPC Table! Doh!");}
+                   //ipc = &(mmu_trn->table->ipc[((pc>>1) & 0xff)]);
+                   //myiib=cpu68k_iibtable[opcode]; iib=myiib; // iib =  myiib ? myiib : illegaliib;
+                   //////cpu68k_ipc(pc, iib, ipc);
+@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@
+     if (instrs == 2)
+     {
+-        if (pc&1) {EXIT(28,0,"odd pc!");}
++        if (pc&1) {EXITR(28,0,"odd pc!");}
+         DEBUG_LOG(200,"*~*~*~*~*~*~ in 2instrs ipc is now %p at pc %06x max %06x",ipc,pc,xpc);
+         ipc=ipcs[instrs-1-1]; //ipc--
+         DEBUG_LOG(200,"ipc is now %p at pc %06x max %06x",ipc,pc,xpc);
+@@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@
+         DEBUG_LOG(200,"ipc is now %p at pc %06x max %06x ix=%d",ipc,pc,xpc,ix);
+         if ( !ipc)
+         {
+-            EXIT(29,0,"Null ipc, bye");
++            EXITR(29,0,"Null ipc, bye");
+         }
+         //check_iib();
+@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@
+         if (!ipc->function)
+              {
+-              EXIT(3,0,"Null IPC fn returned for opcode:%04x ix=%d of %d instrs",ipc->opcode,ix,instrs);
++              EXITR(3,0,"Null IPC fn returned for opcode:%04x ix=%d of %d instrs",ipc->opcode,ix,instrs);
+               // cpu68k_printipc(ipc);
+              }
+@@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@
+ 		{
+           //  check_iib();
+             ipc=ipcs[ix];
+-            EXIT(6,0,"FATAL ipc with null fnction at index %d-> used:%d, set:%d, opcode %04x, len %02x, src %08x, dst %08x\n",
++            EXITR(6,0,"FATAL ipc with null fnction at index %d-> used:%d, set:%d, opcode %04x, len %02x, src %08x, dst %08x\n",
+                 ix, ipc->used, ipc->set, ipc->opcode, ipc->wordlen, ipc->src, ipc->dst);
+ 		}
diff -urN /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__reg68k.c emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__reg68k.c
--- /usr/ports/emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__reg68k.c	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ emulators/lisaem/files/patch-generator__reg68k.c	2013-12-17 00:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- generator/reg68k.c.orig
++++ generator/reg68k.c
+@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+-                if (abort_opcode==1) {EXIT(476,0,"MMU/BUS/Address exception occured on opcode fetch!\n");}
++                if (abort_opcode==1) {EXITR(476,0,"MMU/BUS/Address exception occured on opcode fetch!\n");}
+                 abort_opcode=0;          // clear any addr/bus errors/traps/etc that may have occured.
+                 InstructionRegister=ipc->opcode;
+@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@
+                                 InstructionRegister=ipc->opcode;
+                                 abort_opcode=0;
+                                 if (ipc->function) ipc->function(ipc);
+-                                else {   EXIT(277,0,"No ipc function at %d/%08x, even after attempting to get one!\n",context,pc24);}
++                                else {   EXITR(277,0,"No ipc function at %d/%08x, even after attempting to get one!\n",context,pc24);}
+                              }
+                     }  // if we have it, execute, else loop is done. :)

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