ports/184739: dns/validns fails to build with non-default LOCALBASE/PREFIX
Erick Turnquist
jhujhiti at adjectivism.org
Fri Dec 13 05:00:00 UTC 2013
>Number: 184739
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: dns/validns fails to build with non-default LOCALBASE/PREFIX
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Fri Dec 13 05:00:00 UTC 2013
>Originator: Erick Turnquist
>Release: The weird upstream Makefile in this package requires two make variables to be set in order to find headers and libraries in non-obvious places (INCPATH for headers and EXTRALPATH for libraries). The port fails to build, unable to find Judy.h (f
The weird upstream Makefile in this package requires two make variables to be set in order to find headers and libraries in non-obvious places (INCPATH for headers and EXTRALPATH for libraries). The port fails to build, unable to find Judy.h (from devel/judy), when the LOCALBASE is not /usr/local. The attached patch sets these make arguments.
The weird upstream Makefile in this package requires two make variables to be set in order to find headers and libraries in non-obvious places (INCPATH for headers and EXTRALPATH for libraries). The port fails to build, unable to find Judy.h (from devel/judy), when the LOCALBASE is not /usr/local. The attached patch sets these make arguments.
Patch attached with submission follows:
--- Makefile.orig 2013-12-12 23:38:52.403058851 -0500
+++ Makefile.patched 2013-12-12 23:44:20.681104716 -0500
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
PORTDOCS= Changes README installation.mdwn notes.mdwn \
technical-notes.mdwn todo.mdwn usage.mdwn
.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
rom devel/judy), when the LOCALBASE is not /usr/local. The attached patch sets these make arguments.
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