ports/167725: gthumb help system no workie -- missing dependency -> yelp

Ronald F.Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Wed May 9 04:50:11 UTC 2012

>Number:         167725
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       gthumb help system no workie -- missing dependency -> yelp
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed May 09 04:50:11 UTC 2012
>Originator:     Ronald F. Guilmette
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE amd64
System: FreeBSD segfault.tristatelogic.com 8.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE #0: Mon Apr 9 21:23:18 UTC 2012 root at mason.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64


According to the developer of gthumb himself, the gthumb help system will not
function in the absence of yelp.

And indeed, unless you were lucky enough to have inadvertantly installed
the yelp port already, the help system for gthumb does not in fact work.
Attempting to use it only produces a little error pop-up saying:

       Could not display help
       Operation not supported


	portinstall gthumb
	then run gthumb and click on "Help" and then "Contents"


Add a dependency in the master gthumb port Makefile so that the gthumb port
will be properly dependent upon yelp being installed.

Note that this one change is _necessary_ but apparently not entirely
_sufficient_, by itself alone, to cause the gthumb port's help subsystem
to begin working entirely.  There are other and additional problems that
also need to be solved to get this working and I will report on those in
separate PRs to follow this one.

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