ports/157479: security/nmap: setting TARGET_ARCH variable prevents compilation
k0802647 at telus.net
Tue May 31 22:20:11 UTC 2011
>Number: 157479
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: security/nmap: setting TARGET_ARCH variable prevents compilation
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Tue May 31 22:20:10 UTC 2011
>Originator: Carl
>Release: FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-amd64/i386
FreeBSD xxxxxxxx 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #0: Thu Feb 17 02:41:51 UTC 2011 root at mason.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
Trying to cross-build /usr/ports/security/nmap with the following command results in a compilation failure:
env TARGET_ARCH=i386 make
The error message is:
cc: i386: No such file or directory
This is the identical problem documented in all of the following problem reports:
In addition to fixing the problem for security/nmap, please, please, please assign someone knowledgeable about this problem to the task of searching the entire ports collection for all instances of this same bug, rather than hoping random end users will eventually discover and report them all one at a time. It is simply wrong to waste end user time that way!
Carl / K0802647
env TARGET_ARCH=i386 make
The attached patch applied to /usr/ports/security/nmap/Makefile fixed the problem for me, just as similar patches worked for problem reports ports/147853, ports/151224, ports/156607, and ports/157457. Note that the eventually committed fix for ports/156607 is implemented differently. Since I do not really understand the problem, my patch is not intended to imply an optimal solution.
Patch attached with submission follows:
--- old/Makefile 2011-05-31 02:29:33.000000000 -0700
+++ new/Makefile 2011-05-31 02:32:56.000000000 -0700
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
--without-ndiff \
--with-libpcre=${LOCALBASE} \
MANLANG= "" de es fr hr hu it jp pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk zh
MAN1= nmap.1
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