ports/155120: Update of port devel/php-libawl
Matthias Fechner
idefix at fechner.net
Mon Feb 28 13:40:16 UTC 2011
>Number: 155120
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: Update of port devel/php-libawl
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Mon Feb 28 13:40:15 UTC 2011
>Originator: Matthias Fechner
>Release: FreeBSD 8.1
The current version of the port devel/php-libawl has a bug in the released version that prevents iCal to display any calendar entries. The attached patch fixes that problem.
This patch will be included in the next realease of php-libawl.
Make a calendar entry with one device and try to see it with iCal.
Please apply the attached patch to the port.
Patch attached with submission follows:
diff -urN php-libawl.orig/Makefile php-libawl/Makefile
--- php-libawl.orig/Makefile 2011-02-28 14:20:16.446636389 +0100
+++ php-libawl/Makefile 2011-02-28 14:22:58.785363767 +0100
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
PORTNAME= php-libawl
MASTER_SITES= http://debian.mcmillan.net.nz/packages/awl/ \
diff -urN php-libawl.orig/files/patch-inc-iCalendar.php php-libawl/files/patch-inc-iCalendar.php
--- php-libawl.orig/files/patch-inc-iCalendar.php 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ php-libawl/files/patch-inc-iCalendar.php 2011-02-28 14:17:22.031419311 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- inc/iCalendar.php.old 2011-02-28 14:10:05.863011862 +0100
++++ inc/iCalendar.php 2011-02-28 14:10:54.276562796 +0100
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
+ function RenderParameters() {
+ $rendered = "";
+ foreach( $this->parameters AS $k => $v ) {
+- $escaped = preg_replace( "/([;:\"])/", '\\\\$1', $v);
++ $escaped = preg_replace( "/([;:])/", '\\\\$1', $v);
+ $rendered .= sprintf( ";%s=%s", $k, $escaped );
+ }
+ return $rendered;
+@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
+ default:
+ $escaped = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $escaped);
+ $escaped = preg_replace( '/\r?\n/', '\\n', $escaped);
+- $escaped = preg_replace( "/([,;\"])/", '\\\\$1', $escaped);
++ $escaped = preg_replace( "/([,;])/", '\\\\$1', $escaped);
+ }
+ $property = sprintf( "%s%s:", $this->name, $this->RenderParameters() );
+ if ( (strlen($property) + strlen($escaped)) <= 72 ) {
+@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
+ */
+ function CloneConfidential() {
+ $confidential = clone($this);
+- $keep_properties = array( 'DTSTAMP', 'DTSTART', 'RRULE', 'DURATION', 'DTEND', 'UID', 'CLASS', 'TRANSP' );
++ $keep_properties = array( 'DTSTAMP', 'DTSTART', 'RRULE', 'DURATION', 'DTEND', 'DUE', 'UID', 'CLASS', 'TRANSP', 'CREATED', 'LAST-MODIFIED' );
+ $resource_components = array( 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VJOURNAL' );
+ $confidential->MaskComponents(array( 'VTIMEZONE', 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VJOURNAL' ));
+ $confidential->MaskProperties($keep_properties, $resource_components );
+@@ -822,6 +822,7 @@
+ foreach( $this->components AS $v ) { $rendered .= $v->Render(); }
+ $rendered .= "END:$this->type\r\n";
++ $rendered = preg_replace('{(?<!\r)\n}', '\r\n', $rendered);
+ if ( $unrestricted ) $this->rendered = $rendered;
+ return $rendered;
diff -urN php-libawl.orig/files/patch-inc-vComponents.php php-libawl/files/patch-inc-vComponents.php
--- php-libawl.orig/files/patch-inc-vComponents.php 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ php-libawl/files/patch-inc-vComponents.php 2011-02-28 14:17:32.856933189 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- inc/vComponent.php.old 2010-12-01 04:18:52.000000000 +0100
++++ inc/vComponent.php 2011-02-28 14:11:24.757189028 +0100
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
+ function RenderParameters() {
+ $rendered = "";
+ foreach( $this->parameters AS $k => $v ) {
+- $escaped = preg_replace( "/([;:\"])/", '\\\\$1', $v);
++ $escaped = preg_replace( "/([;:])/", '\\\\$1', $v);
+ $rendered .= sprintf( ";%s=%s", $k, $escaped );
+ }
+ return $rendered;
+@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
+ default:
+ $escaped = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $escaped);
+ $escaped = preg_replace( '/\r?\n/', '\\n', $escaped);
+- $escaped = preg_replace( "/([,;\"])/", '\\\\$1', $escaped);
++ $escaped = preg_replace( "/([,;])/", '\\\\$1', $escaped);
+ }
+ $property = sprintf( "%s%s:", $this->name, $this->RenderParameters() );
+@@ -800,6 +800,7 @@
+ foreach( $this->components AS $v ) { $rendered .= $v->Render(); }
+ $rendered .= "END:$this->type\r\n";
++ $rendered = preg_replace('{(?<!\r)\n}', '\r\n', $rendered);
+ if ( $unrestricted ) $this->rendered = $rendered;
+ return $rendered;
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