ports/155020: [patch] net/ss5 upgrade to 3.8.5
Aleksey V. Gnezdilov
aleksey at vtrek.ru
Fri Feb 25 07:50:06 UTC 2011
>Number: 155020
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: [patch] net/ss5 upgrade to 3.8.5
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Fri Feb 25 07:50:05 UTC 2011
>Originator: Aleksey V. Gnezdilov
>Release: 8.1-RELEASE
FreeBSD mx1.vtrek.ru 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #0: Mon Aug 16 11:16:12 VLAST 2010 aleksey at mx1.vtrek.ru:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC-FIREWALL amd64
Attached patch updates net/ss5 to latest stable version, 3.8.5-1
Changes since 3.6.4-3:
* Add secure authentication method
* Add double authentication support over upstream proxy
* Add SUPA support (Thx to Raffaele DeLorenzo)
* Add <bandwidth> directive to limit bandwidth and number of connections per user
* Add server manager tool to manage online configuration
* Add icp (Internet Cache Protocol) support to module Filter
* Add GSSApi authetication message support
* Add syslog facility and level configuration option
* Add "dash" flag as group (equal to all users) for <bandwidth> directive
* Add Radius support
* Add log features
* Add pid file features (thx to Thomas Goirand, Debian mantainer)
* Add 64bit file size support
* Add mysql authorization section
* Add debug code to mod_proxy
* Add new features to mod_dump (note: dump directive is changed)
* Set thread stack to 128k
* Replace ldap_init with ldap_initialize
* Various fixes
Patch attached with submission follows:
diff -uNr ss5/Makefile ss5-38/Makefile
--- ss5/Makefile 2009-08-22 11:31:44.000000000 +1100
+++ ss5-38/Makefile 2011-02-25 16:51:08.430846843 +1000
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
CATEGORIES= net security
MAINTAINER= raffaele.delorenzo at libero.it
COMMENT= SOCKS v4/v5 application layer gateway with many features
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
-MAN1= ss5.1
-MAN5= ss5.conf.5 ss5.pam.5 ss5.passwd.5 ss5.ha.5
+MAN1= ss5.1 ss5srv.1
+MAN5= ss5.conf.5 ss5.pam.5 ss5.passwd.5 ss5.ha.5 ss5_gss.5 ss5_supa.5
diff -uNr ss5/distinfo ss5-38/distinfo
--- ss5/distinfo 2008-03-05 09:22:26.000000000 +1000
+++ ss5-38/distinfo 2011-02-25 11:42:43.032559244 +1000
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (ss5-3.6.4-3.tar.gz) = 9d9b27a538747d397fadf4bd2b897f6f
-SHA256 (ss5-3.6.4-3.tar.gz) = c091fde7c56226ccb8b6fb3ad09c9778627dd88f93fba9e89ab077ed7eadc27b
-SIZE (ss5-3.6.4-3.tar.gz) = 348303
+SIZE (ss5-3.8.5-1.tar.gz) = 378761
+SHA256 (ss5-3.8.5-1.tar.gz) = e3ab2ced6dc4edd5aa0594dafc865bafac89c4b46ca52e234be65d263c2ff68b
diff -uNr ss5/files/patch-Makefile.in ss5-38/files/patch-Makefile.in
--- ss5/files/patch-Makefile.in 2008-03-05 09:22:27.000000000 +1000
+++ ss5-38/files/patch-Makefile.in 2011-02-25 13:30:35.366770520 +1000
@@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
---- Makefile.in.orig Thu Sep 7 17:29:01 2006
-+++ Makefile.in Mon Apr 16 19:56:30 2007
-@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@
+--- Makefile.in.orig 2009-07-18 08:03:01.000000000 +1100
++++ Makefile.in 2011-02-25 13:15:31.785895875 +1000
+@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
log_path_base = @log_path_base@
trc_path_base = @trc_path_base@
-+# FreeBSD changes for correct pathname
++ss5_pam = ${PREFIX}/etc/pam.d/ss5
++ss5_share = ${DATADIR}
++ss5_examples = ${EXAMPLESDIR}
++ss5_man = ${MANPREFIX}/man
-+#ss5_pam = /usr/local/etc/pam.d/ss5
-+#ss5_share = /usr/local/share/ss5
-+#ss5_examples = /usr/local/share/examples/ss5
-+#ss5_man = /usr/local/share/man
-+ss5_pam = ${PREFIX}/etc/pam.d/ss5
-+ss5_share = ${DATADIR}
-+ss5_examples = ${EXAMPLESDIR}
-+ss5_man = ${MANPREFIX}/man
- SSOBJ = SS5Main.o \
- SS5Core.o \
- SS5Server.o \
-@@ -42,10 +54,21 @@
+ CC = gcc
+@@ -41,10 +46,21 @@
@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5; fi )
@( find modules -name *.so -exec cp {} $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ \; )
@@ -37,15 +30,15 @@
+ fi )
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "SunOS" ]; then \
-+ cp modules/mod_statistics/statmgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
-+ cp modules/mod_balance/balamgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
-+ cp modules/mod_statistics/SS5Logo.jpg $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
-+ cp modules/mod_balance/SS5Logo.jpg $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
++ cp modules/mod_statistics/statmgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
++ cp modules/mod_balance/balamgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
++ cp modules/mod_statistics/SS5Logo.jpg $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
++ cp modules/mod_balance/SS5Logo.jpg $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
+ fi )
@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)/etc/rc.d/init.d ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)/etc/rc.d/init.d; fi ; \
-@@ -61,10 +84,6 @@
+@@ -67,10 +83,6 @@
if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)/etc/init.d/ss5 ]; then cp conf/ss5.init $(dst_dir)/etc/init.d/ss5; \
else cp conf/ss5.init $(dst_dir)/etc/init.d/ss5.rpmnew ; fi ; \
fi )
@@ -56,19 +49,24 @@
@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5; fi )
@( cp License $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
-@@ -74,27 +93,40 @@
+@@ -80,32 +92,47 @@
@( cp modules/mod_balance/README.balamgr $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1; fi )
- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 )
+- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 )
- @( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5; fi )
- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.passwd.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.ha.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.pam.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
+- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
+- @( cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! -d $(ss5_man)/man1 ]; then mkdir -p $(ss5_man)/man1; fi )
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(ss5_man)/man1/; \
+ else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/; fi )
++ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(ss5_man)/man1/; \
++ else cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/; fi )
+ @( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! -d $(ss5_man)/man5 ]; then mkdir -p $(ss5_man)/man5; fi )
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.passwd.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
@@ -79,14 +77,21 @@
+ else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.pam.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
+ else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
++ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++ else cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
++ @( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++ else cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base); fi )
@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf ]; then cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
else cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf.rpmnew ; fi )
+- @( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha ]; then cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
+- else cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha.rpmnew ; fi )
- @( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd ]; then cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
- else cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd.rpmnew ; fi )
-+ @( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd ]; then cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi)
++ @( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha ]; then cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
++ @( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd ]; then cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
- @( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
+ @( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
@@ -102,27 +107,35 @@
+ if [ ! -f $(ss5_examples) ]; then cp doc/pam/examples/ss5.pam $(ss5_examples); \
+ cp doc/ldap/examples/* $(ss5_examples); \
+ rm -rf /usr/local/share/doc/ss5/examples/; \
-+ fi; \
++ fi; \
+ fi )
+ @( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)/var/run/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)/var/run/ss5; fi )
- .PHONY : uninstall
-@@ -108,29 +140,48 @@
+@@ -122,40 +149,68 @@
@( if [ -d $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 ]; then rm -rf $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5; fi )
-- @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5; fi )
-+ @( if [ -f $(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.gz; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.gz; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.gz; fi )
@@ -131,22 +144,32 @@
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.gz; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2; fi )
@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2; fi )
-- @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2; fi )
-+ @( if [ -f $(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2; fi )
+ @( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2; fi )
++ @( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2; fi )
@( if [ -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5 ]; then rm -rf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
- @( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
-+ @( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] ; then \
++ @( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
if [ -f $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5; fi ; \
fi )
diff -uNr ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Utils.c ss5-38/files/patch-src-SS5Utils.c
--- ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Utils.c 2008-03-05 09:22:27.000000000 +1000
+++ ss5-38/files/patch-src-SS5Utils.c 2011-02-25 13:37:02.294995095 +1000
@@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
-*** src/SS5Utils.c.orig Tue Jun 12 17:16:55 2007
---- src/SS5Utils.c Tue Feb 19 11:49:50 2008
-*** 130,135 ****
---- 130,140 ----
- case ALONE:
- snprintf(logString,256 - 1,"[VERB] Role is ALONE.");
- break;
-+ default:
-+ fprintf (stderr, "[WARN] - Don't know Role %s\n", logString);
-+ return ERR;
-+ break;
- }
-*** 152,157 ****
---- 157,163 ----
- * Open ss5.ha file
- */
- if( (S5PeerFile = fopen(S5PeersFile,"r")) == NULL ) {
-+ fprintf (stderr, "[ERR] Cannot Load %s file!\n", S5PeersFile);
- return ERR;
- }
+--- src/SS5Utils.c.orig 2009-08-02 17:57:19.000000000 +1100
++++ src/SS5Utils.c 2011-02-25 13:34:42.311808628 +1000
+@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@
+ case ALONE:
+ snprintf(logString,256 - 1,"[VERB] Role is ALONE.");
+ break;
++ default:
++ fprintf (stderr, "[WARN] - Don't know Role %s\n", logString);
++ return ERR;
++ break;
+ }
diff -uNr ss5/files/ss5.in ss5-38/files/ss5.in
--- ss5/files/ss5.in 2010-03-27 10:14:06.000000000 +1000
+++ ss5-38/files/ss5.in 2011-02-25 14:37:35.641972722 +1000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
load_rc_config $name
diff -uNr ss5/pkg-plist ss5-38/pkg-plist
--- ss5/pkg-plist 2008-03-05 09:22:26.000000000 +1000
+++ ss5-38/pkg-plist 2011-02-25 14:39:45.845350691 +1000
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
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