ports/144502: mail/spamd port insists on fdescfs mount
olli hauer
ohauer at gmx.de
Sun Mar 7 13:40:04 UTC 2010
The following reply was made to PR ports/144502; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: olli hauer <ohauer at gmx.de>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org, merlyn at stonehenge.com
Cc: Olli Hauer <ohauer at gmx.de>
Subject: Re: ports/144502: mail/spamd port insists on fdescfs mount
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 14:30:14 +0100
Hi Randal L.,
> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ contains the line
> /sbin/mount -p | grep 'fdescfs.*/dev/fd.*fdescfs.*rw' 2>&1 > /dev/null
> which is trying to check for /dev/fd being mounted manually, back
when > it wasn't in the core.
> Now that it's in the core, this line will fail needlessly.
> try to start obspamd with -b (greylisting)
I hope you do not have spamd in production with parameter -b since it
changed with spamd-4.1.x *from greylisting to blacklisting* nearly 3
years ago.
If (ob)spamd is running in *blacklist only* mode fdescfs is not needed,
that's the reason we try to find the -b parameter in spamd params and do
the check for fdescfs only if '-b' is not found.
You can check the need of fdescfs with parameter -d (debug mode) with pf
loaded and telnet.
#> /usr/local/libexec/spamd -l127.0.0.1 -S0 -s0 -d
Watch for lines like this:
pfctl: /dev/fd/7: No such file or directory
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