ports/144491: [MANTAINER UPDATE] net-mgmt/nagiosgraph to 1.4.1
Hizbulin Ildar
hizel at vyborg.ru
Fri Mar 5 13:00:12 UTC 2010
>Number: 144491
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: [MANTAINER UPDATE] net-mgmt/nagiosgraph to 1.4.1
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Fri Mar 05 13:00:11 UTC 2010
>Originator: Hizbulin Ildar
>Release: 7.2-STABLE
Ariadna-Link, ISP
FreeBSD o.vyborg.ru 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #6: Thu Dec 24 16:02:16 MSK 2009 root at o.vyborg.ru:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MPD i386
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/Makefile b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/Makefile
index 733b242..beb38ad 100644
--- a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/Makefile
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/Makefile
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
PORTNAME= nagiosgraph
CATEGORIES= net-mgmt
@@ -21,50 +20,63 @@ USE_PERL5_RUN= yes
NAGIOSWWWDIR?= www/nagios
+CGIFILES= show.cgi showgraph.cgi showhost.cgi showservice.cgi testcolor.cgi showgroup.cgi
+LIBFILES= insert.pl
+CFGFILES= nagiosgraph.conf servdb.conf groupdb.conf hostdb.conf map
-.for i in lib/insert.pl cgi/show.cgi cgi/showgraph.cgi cgi/showhost.cgi cgi/showservice.cgi cgi/testcolor.cgi
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!%%PREFIX%%!${PREFIX}!' ${WRKSRC}/etc/nagiosgraph.conf
+.for i in ${CGIFILES}
${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!/usr/bin/perl!${PERL}!g' -e 's!/usr/local!${PREFIX}!g' \
- -e 's!/etc/nagios/!/usr/local/etc/nagios/!g' ${WRKSRC}/$i
+ -e 's!/opt/nagiosgraph/etc!${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph!g' ${WRKSRC}/cgi/$i
+.for i in ${LIBFILES}
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!/usr/bin/perl!${PERL}!g' -e 's!/usr/local!${PREFIX}!g' \
+ -e 's!/opt/nagiosgraph/etc!${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph!g' ${WRKSRC}/lib/$i
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/ngshared.pm ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph/ngshared.pm
+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/${PORTNAME}
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/ngshared.pm ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/${PORTNAME}/ngshared.pm
-.for i in hostdb.conf map nagiosgraph.conf servdb.conf
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/$i ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph/${i}.example
+.for i in ${CFGFILES}
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/$i ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/${PORTNAME}/${i}.sample
+ [ -f ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/${PORTNAME}/${i} ] || ${CP} -p ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/${PORTNAME}/${i}.sample ${PREFIX}/etc/nagios/${PORTNAME}/${i}
${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/libexec/${PORTNAME}
- ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/lib/insert.pl ${PREFIX}/libexec/${PORTNAME}
+.for i in ${LIBFILES}
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/lib/${i} ${PREFIX}/libexec/${PORTNAME}
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${NAGIOSWWWDIR}/cgi-bin/nagiosgraph
-.for i in cgi/show.cgi cgi/showgraph.cgi cgi/showhost.cgi cgi/showservice.cgi cgi/testcolor.cgi
- ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/$i ${PREFIX}/${NAGIOSWWWDIR}/cgi-bin/nagiosgraph
+.for i in ${CGIFILES}
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${NAGIOSWWWDIR}/stylesheets
-.for i in share/action.gif share/nagiosgraph.css share/nagiosgraph.js
+.for i in share/nagiosgraph.css share/nagiosgraph.js
+ ${MV} ${PREFIX}/${NAGIOSWWWDIR}/images/action.gif ${PREFIX}/${NAGIOSWWWDIR}/images/action.gif.bak
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/share/action.gif ${PREFIX}/${NAGIOSWWWDIR}/images/action.gif
.if !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES)
.for i in utils/authz.pl utils/testentry.pl utils/upgrade.pl
.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
. for i in ${PORTDOCS}
. endfor
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/distinfo b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/distinfo
index ba0560d..a4e5a20 100644
--- a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/distinfo
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (nagiosgraph-1.4.0.tar.gz) = d7bece0637df1ab2e94463d2c575b3e3
-SHA256 (nagiosgraph-1.4.0.tar.gz) = 1cb8b77d269201f271d18e4739ea12d927d8e5bf63449ace71c17e07a23f5fb6
-SIZE (nagiosgraph-1.4.0.tar.gz) = 61820
+MD5 (nagiosgraph-1.4.1.tar.gz) = 4b9d7d81d1e6f3c1cabc2a76c6d8fd3e
+SHA256 (nagiosgraph-1.4.1.tar.gz) = 078ec882758e3a56fb2705494e72f38ca9232658d1e7c3d7c3c7afd1f66c6b49
+SIZE (nagiosgraph-1.4.1.tar.gz) = 79340
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/files/patch-etc-nagiosgraph.conf.in b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/files/patch-etc-nagiosgraph.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5000852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/files/patch-etc-nagiosgraph.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+--- etc/nagiosgraph.conf.orig 2010-03-05 10:24:25.000000000 +0000
++++ etc/nagiosgraph.conf 2010-03-05 10:44:53.000000000 +0000
+@@ -8,41 +8,41 @@
+ # Author: (c) 2010 Matthew Wall
+ # Location of nagiosgraph log file. Debug output ends up here.
+-logfile = /var/log/nagiosgraph.log
++logfile = /var/spool/nagios/nagiosgraph.log
+ # Location of nagios performance data log file. Comment out if not used.
+-perflog = /var/nagios/perfdata.log
++perflog = /var/spool/nagios/perfdata.log
+ # Directory to store rrd database files
+-rrddir = /var/nagiosgraph/rrd
++rrddir = /var/spool/nagios/rrd
+ # File containing regular expressions to identify service and perf data
+-mapfile = /etc/nagiosgraph/map
++mapfile = %%PREFIX%%/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph/map
+ # Location of showhost control file
+-hostdb = /etc/nagiosgraph/hostdb.conf
++hostdb = %%PREFIX%%/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph/hostdb.conf
+ # Location of showservice control file
+-servdb = /etc/nagiosgraph/servdb.conf
++servdb = %%PREFIX%%/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph/servdb.conf
+ # Location of showgroup control file
+-groupdb = /etc/nagiosgraph/groupdb.conf
++groupdb = %%PREFIX%%/etc/nagios/nagiosgraph/groupdb.conf
+ # File containing data sets that should be selected in service queries.
+ #datasetdb = /opt/nagiosgraph/etc/datasetdb.conf
+ # Nagiosgraph CGI URL.
+-nagiosgraphcgiurl = /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin
++nagiosgraphcgiurl = /nagios/cgi-bin/nagiosgraph
+ # Nagios CGI URL. If the Nagiosgraph CGI scripts are in a directory other
+ # than the Nagios CGI directory, then specify the Nagios CGI URL here.
+ #nagioscgiurl = /nagios/cgi-bin
+ # JavaScript: URL to the nagiosgraph javascript file.
+-javascript = /nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph.js
++javascript = /nagios/stylesheets/nagiosgraph.js
+ # Stylesheet: URL to the nagiosgraph stylesheet. Comment out if not used.
+-stylesheet = /nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph.css
++stylesheet = /nagios/stylesheets/nagiosgraph.css
+ # Debug can be enabled for a specific CGI script and/or specific hosts or
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/pkg-plist b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/pkg-plist
index 9027c4a..b31a740 100644
--- a/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/pkg-plist
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagiosgraph/pkg-plist
@@ -1,25 +1,35 @@
+ at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/groupdb.conf.sample %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/groupdb.conf; then rm -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/groupdb.conf; fi
+ at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/groupdb.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/groupdb.conf; fi
+ at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/hostdb.conf.sample %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/hostdb.conf; then rm -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/hostdb.conf; fi
+ at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/hostdb.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/hostdb.conf; fi
+ at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/map.sample %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/map; then rm -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/map; fi
+ at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/map ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/map; fi
+ at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/nagiosgraph.conf.sample %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/nagiosgraph.conf; then rm -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/nagiosgraph.conf; fi
+ at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/nagiosgraph.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/nagiosgraph.conf; fi
+ at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/servdb.conf.sample %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/servdb.conf; then rm -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/servdb.conf; fi
+ at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%/servdb.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/servdb.conf; fi
+ at exec mv %D/%%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%%/images/action.gif %D/%%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%/images/action.gif.bak
+ at unexec mv %D/%%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%%/images/action.gif.bak %D/%%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%/images/action.gif
- at dirrmtry %%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%/stylesheets
- at dirrm %%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%/cgi-bin/nagiosgraph
- at dirrmtry %%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%/cgi-bin
- at dirrmtry %%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%
- at dirrm libexec/nagiosgraph
- at dirrm etc/nagios/nagiosgraph
- at dirrmtry etc/nagios
+ at dirrm libexec/%%PORTNAME%%
+ at dirrmtry %%NAGIOSWWWDIR%%/cgi-bin/%%PORTNAME%%
+ at dirrmtry etc/nagios/%%PORTNAME%%
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