ports/147712: new port: audio/gvolwheel Volume mixer

Dmitry Marakasov amdmi3 at amdmi3.ru
Mon Jun 21 22:47:07 UTC 2010

* amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org (amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org) wrote:

> Synopsis: new port: audio/gvolwheel Volume mixer

- It's better not to use NLS option, especially if it's the only
  option. NLS is set globally in most cases.
- You should use USE_GNOME=gnomehack to get rid of some patches
- Other patches should be turned to REINPLACE_CMD's to be shorter
  and more maintainable.
- Should not dirrm share/locale
- Consider adding NOPORTDOCS support

Dmitry Marakasov   .   55B5 0596 FF1E 8D84 5F56  9510 D35A 80DD F9D2 F77D
amdmi3 at amdmi3.ru  ..:  jabber: amdmi3 at jabber.ru    http://www.amdmi3.ru

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