ports/149879: [new port] security/clamd-stream-client: Standalone clamav client

Glen Barber glen.j.barber at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 16:18:51 UTC 2010

On 8/22/10 12:08 PM, lwhsu at FreeBSD.org wrote:
> Synopsis: [new port] security/clamd-stream-client: Standalone clamav client
> State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
> State-Changed-By: lwhsu
> State-Changed-When: Sun Aug 22 16:08:04 UTC 2010
> State-Changed-Why: 
> Thanks for Tinderbox build logs!  Could you provide a shar format file?
> That makes adding new port easier.

Sure thing - shar file is attached, and also available here:



Glen Barber
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