ports/135300: update for ports/www/webcheck

wxs at FreeBSD.org wxs at FreeBSD.org
Tue Jun 23 19:35:52 UTC 2009

Synopsis: update for ports/www/webcheck

State-Changed-From-To: closed->open
State-Changed-By: wxs
State-Changed-When: Tue Jun 23 19:34:38 UTC 2009
I do not believe this PR should have been closed. It is not that difficult to come up with a patch from the submitted shar. If there are any problems with it I will work with Jeremy to address them. I believe this is a very work-able PR even if it didn't come in the normal form.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->wxs
Responsible-Changed-By: wxs
Responsible-Changed-When: Tue Jun 23 19:34:38 UTC 2009
I do not believe this PR should have been closed. It is not that difficult to come up with a patch from the submitted shar. If there are any problems with it I will work with Jeremy to address them. I believe this is a very work-able PR even if it didn't come in the normal form.


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