ports/138094: [NEW PORT]devel/abi-compliance-checker : a utility to detect ABI changes in shared libraries
bf1783 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 09:50:05 UTC 2009
>Number: 138094
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: [NEW PORT]devel/abi-compliance-checker : a utility to detect ABI changes in shared libraries
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Sun Aug 23 09:50:05 UTC 2009
>Originator: bf
>Release: 8-CURRENT amd64
This is a perl script, written by Andrey Ponomarenko or the Institute for System Programming of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS), that uses components of binutils and gcc to detect ABI changes in two different versions of a C/C++ shared library. I've patched it to fix a few of the more glaring grammar/spelling errors, and I plan to clean it up more later, but I'd like to make it available in the meantime.
Patch attached with submission follows:
# This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before
# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may
# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
# have default permissions.
# This archive contains:
# abi-compliance-checker
# abi-compliance-checker/pkg-descr
# abi-compliance-checker/Makefile
# abi-compliance-checker/distinfo
# abi-compliance-checker/files
# abi-compliance-checker/files/patch-abi-compliance-checker.pl
echo c - abi-compliance-checker
mkdir -p abi-compliance-checker > /dev/null 2>&1
echo x - abi-compliance-checker/pkg-descr
sed 's/^X//' >abi-compliance-checker/pkg-descr << '7f914954f7bb9b2f92545d4fd25ddf48'
XGiven the header files and shared objects corresponding to two different shared
Xlibrary versions, and a simple description of each of the shared libraries in
XXML format, abi-compliance-checker searches for the following kinds of binary
Xcompatibility problems:
X--Added/withdrawn interfaces (functions, global variables)
X--Problems in Data Types:
X --Classes: added/withdrawn virtual functions (changes in layout of
X virtual table), virtual function positions, virtual function
X redefinitions
X --Structural data types: added/withdrawn members (changes in layout of
X type structure),
X changes in members, size changes
X --Enumerations: member value changes
X--Interface problems:
X --Parameters and return type changes
X --Static property changes
XThe checker then generates a report that assesses the risks of any potential
Xproblems detected.
XWWW: http://ispras.linux-foundation.org/index.php/ABI_compliance_checker
echo x - abi-compliance-checker/Makefile
sed 's/^X//' >abi-compliance-checker/Makefile << '4cfb85f0acba1edbf51fe19ca3a02e9e'
X# New ports collection makefile for: abi-compliance-checker
X# Date created: August 21, 2009
X# Whom: bf <bf1783 at gmail.com>
X# $FreeBSD$
XPORTNAME= abi-compliance-checker
XCATEGORIES= devel perl5
XMASTER_SITES= http://ispras.linux-foundation.org/images/c/c1/
XMAINTAINER= bf1783 at gmail.com
XCOMMENT= Checks binary compatibility of two versions of a C/C++ shared library
XCPPFILT?= c++filt
XREADELF?= readelf
X ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|c++filt|${CPPFILT}|g" \
X -e "s|readelf|${READELF}|g" -e "s|g++|${CXX}|g" \
X -e "s|\"gcc|\"${CC}|g" -e "s|-shared|& -fPIC|g" ${WRKSRC}/${PORTNAME}.pl
Xregression-test: build
X @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ./${PORTNAME}.pl -test )
X.include <bsd.port.mk>
echo x - abi-compliance-checker/distinfo
sed 's/^X//' >abi-compliance-checker/distinfo << 'eb19074df10da556d6c05076aa3077e5'
XMD5 (Abi-compliance-checker-1.4.tar.gz) = da40b6a17ed0fbe5316f782c775cfd24
XSHA256 (Abi-compliance-checker-1.4.tar.gz) = 5ee303b7c700925758d50a14516ad8e29b6272c71e1cdf494057f72939190a62
XSIZE (Abi-compliance-checker-1.4.tar.gz) = 43856
echo c - abi-compliance-checker/files
mkdir -p abi-compliance-checker/files > /dev/null 2>&1
echo x - abi-compliance-checker/files/patch-abi-compliance-checker.pl
sed 's/^X//' >abi-compliance-checker/files/patch-abi-compliance-checker.pl << 'cab1e2035d429d46427bfda7fc3d7419'
X--- abi-compliance-checker.pl.orig 2009-08-18 14:29:08.000000000 -0400
X+++ abi-compliance-checker.pl 2009-08-23 05:20:10.000000000 -0400
X@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
X my $LibVersion = $_[0];
X if(not -e $Descriptor{$LibVersion}{'Path'})
X {
X- print "descriptor d$LibVersion does not exists, incorrect file path $Descriptor{$LibVersion}{'Path'}\n";
X+ print "descriptor d$LibVersion does not exist: incorrect file path $Descriptor{$LibVersion}{'Path'}\n";
X exit(0);
X }
X my $Descriptor_File = `cat $Descriptor{$LibVersion}{'Path'}`;
X@@ -2470,7 +2470,7 @@
X system("g++ >header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'} 2>&1 -fdump-translation-unit temp/$Lib_VersionName.h $CompilerOptions{$Version} $AddOpt");
X if($?)
X {
X- print "WARNING: some errors have occured while headers compilation\nyou can see compilation errors in the file header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'}\n";
X+ print "WARNING: some errors have occured while compiling header(s)\nyou can see compilation errors in the file header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'}\n";
X }
X `mv -f $Lib_VersionName.h*.tu temp/`;
X return (split("\n", `find temp -maxdepth 1 -name "$Lib_VersionName\.h*\.tu"`))[0];
X@@ -2565,13 +2565,13 @@
X sub parseHeaders_AllInOne($)
X {
X $Version = $_[0];
X- print "headers checking v$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'} ...\n";
X+ print "checking header(s) v$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'} ...\n";
X `mkdir -p header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/`;
X `rm -fr header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'}`;
X my $DumpPath = getDump_AllInOne();
X if(not $DumpPath)
X {
X- print "\nERROR: can't create gcc syntax tree for headers\nyou can see compilation errors in the file header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'}\n";
X+ print "\nERROR: can't create gcc syntax tree for header(s)\nyou can see compilation errors in the file header_compile_errors/$TargetLibraryName/$Descriptor{$Version}{'Version'}\n";
X exit(1);
X }
X getInfo($DumpPath);
X@@ -4306,7 +4306,7 @@
X sub testSystem_cpp()
X {
X- print "testing on C++ library changes\n";
X+ print "testing for C++ library changes\n";
X my @DataDefs_v1 = ();
X my @Sources_v1 = ();
X my @DataDefs_v2 = ();
X@@ -4690,7 +4690,7 @@
X sub testSystem_c()
X {
X- print "\ntesting on C library changes\n";
X+ print "\ntesting for C library changes\n";
X my @DataDefs_v1 = ();
X my @Sources_v1 = ();
X my @DataDefs_v2 = ();
X@@ -5448,27 +5448,27 @@
X elsif($Kind eq "Return_Type_And_Size")
X {
X $Incompatibility = "Type of return value has been changed from <span style='white-space:nowrap;'><b>$Old_Value</b> (<b>$Old_Size</b> bytes)</span> to <span style='white-space:nowrap;'><b>$New_Value</b> (<b>$New_Size</b> bytes)</span>\n";
X- $Effect = "Applications will have got different return value and it's execution may change";
X+ $Effect = "Applications will get a different return value and execution may change";
X }
X elsif($Kind eq "Return_Type")
X {
X $Incompatibility = "Type of return value has been changed from <span style='white-space:nowrap;'><b>$Old_Value</b></span> to <span style='white-space:nowrap;'><b>$New_Value</b></span>\n";
X- $Effect = "Applications will have got different return value and it's execution may change";
X+ $Effect = "Applications will get a different return value and execution may change";
X }
X elsif($Kind eq "Return_BaseType")
X {
X $Incompatibility = "Base type of return value has been changed from <span style='white-space:nowrap;'><b>$Old_Value</b> (<b>$Old_Size</b> bytes)</span> to <span style='white-space:nowrap;'><b>$New_Value</b> (<b>$New_Size</b> bytes)</span>\n";
X- $Effect = "Applications will have got different return value and it's execution may change";
X+ $Effect = "Applications will get a different return value and execution may change";
X }
X elsif($Kind eq "Return_PointerLevel_And_Size")
X {
X $Incompatibility = "Type pointer level of return value has been changed from <b>$Old_Value</b> to <b>$New_Value</b> and size of type has been changed from <b>$Old_Size</b> bytes to <b>$New_Size</b> bytes\n";
X- $Effect = "Applications will have got different return value and it's execution may change";
X+ $Effect = "Applications will get a different return value and execution may change";
X }
X elsif($Kind eq "Return_PointerLevel")
X {
X $Incompatibility = "Type pointer level of return value has been changed from <b>$Old_Value</b> to <b>$New_Value</b>\n";
X- $Effect = "Applications will have got different return value and it's execution may change";
X+ $Effect = "Applications will get a different return value and execution may change";
X }
X if($Incompatibility)
X {
X@@ -6056,7 +6056,7 @@
X my @SoLibPaths = getSoPaths($LibVersion);
X if($#SoLibPaths eq -1)
X {
X- print "ERROR: there are no any shared objects in specified paths in library descriptor d$LibVersion\n";
X+ print "ERROR: there are no shared objects in the paths specified in library descriptor d$LibVersion\n";
X exit(1);
X }
X foreach my $SoLibPath (@SoLibPaths)
X@@ -6436,7 +6436,7 @@
X system("cd $InfoDump_FilePath/ && tar -cf $InfoDump_FileName".".tar $InfoDump_FileName");
X system("cd $InfoDump_FilePath/ && gzip $InfoDump_FileName".".tar --best");
X `rm -f $InfoDump_FilePath/$InfoDump_FileName`;
X- print "see library info dump in $InfoDump_FilePath/$InfoDump_FileName.tar.gz and use it instead of library version descriptor on other machine\n";
X+ print "see library info dump in $InfoDump_FilePath/$InfoDump_FileName.tar.gz: use it instead of library version descriptor on other machine\n";
X exit(0);
X }
X@@ -6487,15 +6487,15 @@
X parseHeaders_AllInOne(2);
X }
X- print "headers comparison ...\n";
X+ print "comparing headers ...\n";
X mergeHeaders();
X }
X- print "shared objects comparison ...\n";
X+ print "comparing shared objects ...\n";
X mergeLibs();
X- print "ABI compliance report drawing ...\n";
X+ print "creating ABI compliance report ...\n";
X create_HtmlReport();
X if($HeaderCheckingMode_Separately)
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