ports/125905: [Maintainer-update] sysutils/flexbackup: patch set incorporation
Marcus von Appen
mva at sysfault.org
Wed Jul 23 17:00:11 UTC 2008
>Number: 125905
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: [Maintainer-update] sysutils/flexbackup: patch set incorporation
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Wed Jul 23 17:00:08 UTC 2008
>Originator: Marcus von Appen
>Release: FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD medusa.sysfault.org 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Fri Jul 18 10:09:33 CEST 2008
This adds various patches from the Gentoo repository to the flexbackup
port. Those include:
- Tempfile security fixes
- LZMA compression support
- Patches for bash3 usage
- Remote buffer usage fixes
- Fixes for filenames with spaces.
- Fixes for large files and afio usage.
- Pruning fixes.
It also adds a new link to additional configuration information in
Added file(s):
- files/patch-flexbackup
- files/patch-flexbackup.1
- files/patch-flexbackup.conf.5
Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.77
--- flexbackup-1.2.1_3.patch begins here ---
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/Makefile /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/Makefile
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/Makefile 2008-06-06 16:02:58.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/Makefile 2008-07-19 10:06:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
PORTNAME= flexbackup
CATEGORIES= sysutils
MASTER_SITES= http://www.edwinh.org/flexbackup/tarball/ \
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
BUFFER "Enable buffer support" Off \
MBUFFER "Enable mbuffer support" Off \
STAR "Enable star support" Off \
- ZIP "Eanble zip support" Off
+ ZIP "Enable zip support" Off
.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup 2008-07-19 10:00:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+--- ./flexbackup.orig 2008-07-19 09:56:20.000000000 +0200
++++ ./flexbackup 2008-07-19 09:58:09.000000000 +0200
+@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@
+ untie(%::index);
+ }
++system ('rm', '-rf', $cfg::tmpdir);
+ exit(0);
+ ######################################################################
+@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@
+ # Get rid of trailing /
+ $dir = &nuke_trailing_slash($dir);
+- # If level is icremental for the set, each dir might
++ # If level is incremental for the set, each dir might
+ # have a different numeric level
+ if (!defined($::set_incremental)) {
+ $level = $::level;
+@@ -687,6 +688,8 @@
+ $filename .= ".zip";
+ } elsif ($cfg::compress eq "compress") {
+ $filename .= ".Z";
++ } elsif ($cfg::compress eq "lzma") {
++ $filename .= ".lzma";
+ }
+ } elsif ($cfg::type eq "afio") {
+ # tag these a little different, the archive file itself isn't a
+@@ -701,6 +704,8 @@
+ $filename .= "-zip";
+ } elsif ($cfg::compress eq "compress") {
+ $filename .= "-Z";
++ } elsif ($cfg::compress eq "lzma") {
++ $filename .= "-lzma";
+ }
+ }
+@@ -811,6 +816,11 @@
+ ($remove, @cmds) = &backup_filelist($label, $localdir, $title, $level, $remote);
+ }
++ if(defined($remote)) {
++ # create our temporary directory as first remote command
++ unshift(@cmds, &maybe_remote_cmd("$::path{mkdir} -p $cfg::tmpdir", $remote));
++ }
+ # Nuke any tmp files used in the above routines
+ if ($remove ne '') {
+ push(@cmds, &maybe_remote_cmd("$::path{rm} -f $remove", $remote));
+@@ -827,6 +837,11 @@
+ push(@cmds, &maybe_remote_cmd("$::path{rm} -f $pkglist", $remote));
+ }
+ }
++ if(defined($remote)) {
++ # remove temporary directory as our last remote command
++ push(@cmds, &maybe_remote_cmd("$::path{rm} -rf $cfg::tmpdir", $remote));
++ }
+ # Strip multiple spaces
+ foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
+@@ -1140,7 +1155,7 @@
+ $cmd .= "$::path{afio} -o ";
+ $cmd .= "$no_compress ";
+ $cmd .= "-z ";
+- $cmd .= "-1 m ";
++ $cmd .= "-1 mC ";
+ $cmd .= "$::afio_z_flag ";
+ $cmd .= "$::afio_verb_flag ";
+ $cmd .= "$::afio_sparse_flag ";
+@@ -1286,8 +1301,8 @@
+ $cmd .= "$::unz";
+ }
+ $cmd .= "(";
+- $cmd .= "mkdir -p $::device ; ";
+- $cmd .= "cd $::device ; ";
++ $cmd .= "mkdir -p \"$::device\" ; ";
++ $cmd .= "cd \"$::device\" ; ";
+ $cmd .= "$::path{cpio} -i ";
+ $cmd .= "-m ";
+ $cmd .= "-d ";
+@@ -1336,9 +1351,8 @@
+ # Have to take leading './' off to make rsync's include/exclude work right
+ $cmd .= " | $::path{sed} -e \"s/\\.\\///g\" | ";
+ $cmd .= "$::path{rsync} ";
+- $cmd .= "--include-from=- --exclude=* ";
++ $cmd .= "--files-from=- ";
+ $cmd .= "--archive ";
+ $cmd .= "$::rsync_verb_flag ";
+ $cmd .= "--delete --delete-excluded ";
+@@ -1353,7 +1367,7 @@
+ $cmd .= "$remote:";
+ }
+ }
+- $cmd .= "$dir/ $::device";
++ $cmd .= "\"$dir/\" \"$::device\"";
+ push(@cmds, $cmd);
+@@ -1643,7 +1657,9 @@
+ my $tmpfile = "$cfg::tmpdir/ar.$PROCESS_ID";
+ my $remove = '';
+- &log("| NOTE: ar archives will not descend directories");
++ &log("| NOTE: ar archives will not recurse into subdirectories,");
++ &log("| which makes them inappropriate for most backups.");
++ &log("| Be sure this is what you want.");
+ if (defined($remote) and ($level != 0)) {
+ my $time = &get_last_date($label, $level, 'numeric');
+@@ -1667,11 +1683,13 @@
+ $cmd = "cd \"$dir\" && ";
+ $cmd .= &file_list_cmd( $dir, $stamp, 'newline', $level, $remote, '-maxdepth 1 ! -type d');
+ $cmd .= "> $filelist; ";
++ # Escape any spaces in filenames.
++ $cmd .= "$::path{sed} -i -e 's/ /\\\\ /g' $filelist; ";
+ $cmd .= "$::path{ar} rc";
+ $cmd .= "$::ar_verb_flag ";
+ $cmd .= "$tmpfile ";
+- $cmd .= "`$::path{cat} $filelist`";
++ $cmd .= "\@$filelist ";
+ $cmd .= "; $::path{cat} $tmpfile $::z";
+ # Buffer both sides if remote
+@@ -1785,12 +1803,9 @@
+ $cmd = "cd \"$dir\" && ";
+ $cmd .= &file_list_cmd( $dir, $stamp, 'newline', $level, $remote);
+- $cmd .= "> $filelist; ";
+- $cmd .= "$::path{lha} a";
++ $cmd .= " | $::path{lha} a";
+ $cmd .= "$::lha_verb_flag ";
+ $cmd .= "$tmpfile ";
+- $cmd .= "`$::path{cat} $filelist`";
+ $cmd .= "; $::path{cat} $tmpfile $::z";
+ # Buffer both sides if remote
+@@ -2700,7 +2715,7 @@
+ # First check if things are defined in the config file
+ # Checks exist, true/false, or one of options
+ &checkvar(\$cfg::type,'type','dump afio cpio tar star pax zip ar shar lha copy rsync filelist','tar');
+- &checkvar(\$cfg::compress,'compress','gzip bzip2 lzop compress zip false hardware','gzip');
++ &checkvar(\$cfg::compress,'compress','gzip bzip2 lzop compress zip false hardware lzma','gzip');
+ &checkvar(\$cfg::compr_level,'compr_level','exist','4');
+ &checkvar(\$cfg::verbose,'verbose','bool','true');
+ &checkvar(\$cfg::sparse,'sparse','bool','true');
+@@ -2750,8 +2765,10 @@
+ $::path{'find'} = &checkinpath('find');
+ $::path{'dd'} = &checkinpath('dd');
+ $::path{'printf'} = &checkinpath('printf');
++ $::path{'mkdir'} = &checkinpath('mkdir');
++ $::path{'sed'} = &checkinpath('sed');
+- push(@::remoteprogs,($::path{'touch'},$::path{'rm'},$::path{'find'},$::path{'printf'}));
++ push(@::remoteprogs,($::path{'touch'},$::path{'rm'},$::path{'find'},$::path{'printf'},$::path{'mkdir'}));
+ # Check device (or dir)
+ $::ftape = 0;
+@@ -3001,6 +3018,16 @@
+ $::z = " | $::path{zip} -$cfg::compr_level - -";
+ $::unz = "$::path{funzip} | ";
+ }
++ } elsif ($cfg::compress eq "lzma") {
++ $::path{'lzma'} = &checkinpath($cfg::compress);
++ push(@::remoteprogs, $::path{$cfg::compress});
++ if ($cfg::compr_level !~ m/^[123456789]$/) {
++ push(@::errors,"\$compr_level must be set to 1-9");
++ } else {
++ $::z = " | $::path{$cfg::compress} -$cfg::compr_level ";
++ }
++ $::unz = "$::path{$cfg::compress} -d | ";
+ } else {
+ $::z = "";
+ $::unz = "";
+@@ -3059,12 +3086,11 @@
+ $::read_cmd = "$bufcmd $read_flags";
+ } elsif ($cfg::buffer eq "mbuffer") {
+ $::path{'mbuffer'} = &checkinpath('mbuffer');
+ push(@::remoteprogs, $::path{'mbuffer'});
+ my $megs = $cfg::buffer_megs . "M";
+- my $bufcmd = "$::path{mbuffer} -q -m $megs -p $cfg::buffer_fill_pct $mbuffer_blk_flag ";
++ my $bufcmd = "$::path{mbuffer} -q -m $megs -P $cfg::buffer_fill_pct $mbuffer_blk_flag ";
+ $::buffer_cmd = " | $bufcmd";
+ $::write_cmd = "$bufcmd -f -o ";
+@@ -3075,7 +3101,6 @@
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # If buffering disabled, use dd or cat depending on if blocking turned off on not
+ if ($cfg::blksize eq '0') {
+ $::buffer_cmd = "";
+@@ -3252,6 +3277,10 @@
+ $::afio_z_flag = "-P $::path{$cfg::compress} -Q -c -Z";
+ $::afio_unz_flag = "-P $::path{$cfg::compress} -Q -d -Q -c -Z";
++ } elsif ($cfg::compress eq "lzma") {
++ $::afio_z_flag = "-P $::path{$cfg::compress} -Q -$cfg::compr_level -Z";
++ $::afio_unz_flag = "-P $::path{$cfg::compress} -Q -d -Z";
+ }
+ $::unz = ""; # Reset & just use this for reading the archive file.
+@@ -3415,7 +3444,7 @@
+ $::path{'lha'} = &checkinpath('lha');
+ push(@::remoteprogs, $::path{'lha'});
+- if ($cfg::compress =~ /^(gzip|bzip2|lzop|compress|zip)$/) {
++ if ($cfg::compress =~ /^(gzip|bzip2|lzop|compress|zip|lzma)$/) {
+ warn("Using type \"lha\" with compress=$cfg::compress makes no sense");
+ warn("Setting compression to false");
+ $::unz = "";
+@@ -3442,6 +3471,15 @@
+ push(@::errors,"\$tmpdir $cfg::tmpdir is not writable");
+ }
++ $cfg::hostname = `hostname`;
++ chomp($cfg::hostname);
++ # Use a subdirectory of the user-specified directory as our tmpdir
++ # Also note that we make it closer to globally unique as we sometimes
++ # use this variable for remote systems, so PID isn't enough
++ $cfg::tmpdir = $cfg::tmpdir .'/flexbackup.'.$$.'.'.$cfg::hostname;
++ mkdir ($cfg::tmpdir) || die "Can't create temporary directory, $!";
+ # Levels
+ if (defined($::opt{'level'}) and
+ (defined($::opt{'incremental'}) or
+@@ -3781,7 +3819,7 @@
+ # Try and guess file types and commpression scheme
+ # might as well since we are reading from a file in this case
+- if ($file =~ m/\.(dump|cpio|tar|star|pax|a|shar|filelist)\.(gz|bz2|lzo|Z|zip)$/) {
++ if ($file =~ m/\.(dump|cpio|tar|star|pax|a|shar|filelist)\.(gz|bz2|lzo|Z|zip|lzma)$/) {
+ $cfg::type = $1;
+ $cfg::compress = $2;
+ $cfg::type =~ s/^a$/ar/;
+@@ -3789,16 +3827,18 @@
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/bz2/bzip2/;
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/lzo/lzop/;
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/Z/compress/;
++ $cfg::compress =~ s/lzma/lzma/;
+ &log("| Auto-set to type=$cfg::type compress=$cfg::compress");
+ &optioncheck(); # redo to set a few variables over
+- } elsif ($file =~ m/\.afio-(gz|bz2|lzo|Z|zip)$/) {
++ } elsif ($file =~ m/\.afio-(gz|bz2|lzo|Z|zip|lzma)$/) {
+ $cfg::type = "afio";
+ $cfg::compress = $1;
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/gz/gzip/;
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/bz2/bzip2/;
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/lzo/lzop/;
+ $cfg::compress =~ s/Z/compress/;
++ $cfg::compress =~ s/lzma/lzma/;
+ &log("| Auto-set to type=$cfg::type compress=$cfg::compress");
+ &optioncheck(); # redo to set a few variables over
+@@ -4843,23 +4883,31 @@
+ }
+ if (defined(%{$::prune{$prunekey}})) {
++ my $rex;
+ # FreeBSD needs -E (above) and no backslashes around the (|) chars
+ if ($::uname =~ /FreeBSD/) {
+- $cmd .= '-regex "\./(';
+- $cmd .= join('|', keys %{$::prune{$prunekey}});
+- $cmd .= ')/.*" ';
+- } else {
+- $cmd .= '-regex "\./\(';
+- $cmd .= join('\|', keys %{$::prune{$prunekey}});
+- $cmd .= '\)/.*" ';
+- }
+- $cmd .= '-prune -o ';
++ $rex = '"\./(';
++ $rex .= join('|', keys %{$::prune{$prunekey}});
++ $rex .= ')"';
++ } else {
++ $rex = '"\./\(';
++ $rex .= join('\|', keys %{$::prune{$prunekey}});
++ $rex .= '\)"';
++ }
++ # Show what the darn thing is constructing for prune expressions.
++ (my $temp = $rex) =~ s/\\([()|])/$1/g;
++ &log("| \"find\" regex for pruning (shell escaping omitted for clarity) is:");
++ &log("| $temp");
++ $cmd .= '-regex ' . $rex . ' -prune -o ';
+ } else {
++ # Show what the darn thing is constructing for prune expressions.
++ &log("| No pruning defined for this tree.");
+ # Can't use find -depth with -prune (see single unix spec etc)
+ # (not toally required anyway, only if you are archiving dirs you
+ # don't have permissions on and are running as non-root)
+ $cmd .= "-depth ";
+ }
++ &line();
+ $cmd .= "$::mountpoint_flag ";
+ $cmd .= "! -type s ";
+@@ -5229,6 +5277,7 @@
+ my $tmp_script = "$cfg::tmpdir/buftest.$host.$PROCESS_ID.sh";
+ my $retval = 0;
+ my $pipecmd;
++ my $explicit_success;
+ $buffer_cmd =~ s:^\s*\|\s*::;
+ $buffer_cmd =~ s:\s*\|\s*$::;
+@@ -5236,14 +5285,14 @@
+ # Create a script which tests the buffer program
+ open(SCR,"> $tmp_script") || die;
+ print SCR "#!/bin/sh\n";
+- print SCR "tmp_data=/tmp/bufftest\$\$.txt\n";
+- print SCR "tmp_err=/tmp/bufftest\$\$.err\n";
++ print SCR "tmp_data=\`tempfile\`\n";
++ print SCR "tmp_err=\`tempfile\`\n";
+ print SCR "echo testme > \$tmp_data\n";
+ print SCR "$buffer_cmd > /dev/null 2> \$tmp_err < \$tmp_data\n";
+ print SCR "res=\$?\n";
+ print SCR "out=\`cat \$tmp_err\`\n";
+ print SCR "if [ \$res -eq 0 ]; then\n";
+- print SCR " echo successful\n";
++ print SCR " echo \"successful\"\n";
+ print SCR "else\n";
+ print SCR " echo \"unsuccessful: exit code \$res: \$out\" \n";
+ print SCR "fi\n";
+@@ -5254,14 +5303,22 @@
+ print $::msg "| Checking '$cfg::buffer' on this machine... ";
+ $pipecmd = "sh $tmp_script ";
+ } else {
++ $pipecmd =
++ "$::remoteshell $host '$::path{mkdir} -p $cfg::tmpdir'; " .
++ "cat $tmp_script | ($::remoteshell $host 'cat > $tmp_script; " .
++ "sh $tmp_script; rm -rf $cfg::tmpdir')";
+ print $::msg "| Checking '$cfg::buffer' on host $host... ";
+- $pipecmd = "cat $tmp_script | ($::remoteshell $host 'cat > $tmp_script; sh $tmp_script; rm -f $tmp_script')";
+ }
+ if (!defined($::debug)) {
+ open(PIPE,"$pipecmd |") || die;
++ $explicit_success = 0;
+ while (<PIPE>) {
++ if (/^successful$/) {
++ $explicit_success = 1;
++ last;
++ }
+ if (/^unsuccessful: exit code (\d+): (.*)/) {
+ $retval = $1;
+ my $out = $2;
+@@ -5290,11 +5347,15 @@
+ print $::msg "\n(debug) $pipecmd\n";
+ }
+- if ($retval == 0) {
++ if ($explicit_success) {
+ print $::msg "Ok\n";
+ } else {
++ if ($retval == 0) {
++ push(@::errors, "Unanticipated problems encountered testing '$cfg::buffer' on host '$host'.");
++ } else {
+ print $::msg "Failed!\n";
+ }
++ }
+ unlink("$tmp_script");
+ return($retval);
+@@ -5396,10 +5457,10 @@
+ my $shell = $1;
+ my $ver = $2;
+ if ($shell eq 'bash') {
+- if ($ver =~ m/^2/) {
+- $::shelltype{$host} = 'bash2';
+- } else {
++ if ($ver =~ m/^1/) {
+ $::shelltype{$host} = 'bash1';
++ } else {
++ $::shelltype{$host} = 'bash2';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $::shelltype{$host} = $shell;
+@@ -5686,3 +5747,5 @@
+ return($spinner[$index]);
+ }
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup.1 /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup.1
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup.1 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup.1 2008-07-19 10:00:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./flexbackup.1.orig 2008-07-19 09:56:14.000000000 +0200
++++ ./flexbackup.1 2008-07-19 09:57:40.000000000 +0200
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
+ Extract (restore) the files listed in text file \(dqfilelist\(dq into your
+ current working directory.
+ .TP
+-\fBflexbackup\fR \fI-extract\fR \fI-flist\fR <\fIfilename\fR>
++\fBflexbackup\fR \fI-extract\fR \fI-onefile\fR <\fIfilename\fR>
+ Extract (restore) the single file named \(dqfilename\(dq into your current
+ working directory.
+ .TP
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup.conf /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup.conf
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup.conf 2006-10-10 10:23:41.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup.conf 2008-07-19 10:24:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,141 @@
---- flexbackup.conf.orig Fri Sep 15 09:59:46 2006
-+++ flexbackup.conf Fri Sep 15 10:00:32 2006
-@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@
+--- ./flexbackup.conf.orig 2008-07-19 09:56:25.000000000 +0200
++++ ./flexbackup.conf 2008-07-19 10:00:50.000000000 +0200
+@@ -12,29 +12,92 @@
+ # Configure backup "sets".
+ # Not needed if you use "-dir <dir>" to backup one tree at a time.
+-# Each set is a simple space-separated list of filesystems
+-# Remote filesystems should denoted as 'host:dir'
+-# You can use anything (other than 'all') as set names
++# Each set is a simple space-separated list of filesystems. Remote filesystems
++# should denoted as 'host:dir'. If the filesystem name (local or remote)
++# contains spaces, then it should be enclosed in its entirety in double quotes.
++# Multiple quoted filesystems included in a set should be space separated just
++# like unquoted filesystem. The Perl '.' string concatenation operator can be
++# used to split excessively long lines.
+ #
+-# Example:
+-# $set{'set1'} = "/home /usr";
+-# $set{'set2'} = "/dir3 machine2:/dir4 machine3:/dir5";
++# You can use anything (other than 'all') as set names.
++# Examples:
++# $set{'set1'} = '/home /usr';
++# $set{'set2'} = '/dir3 machine2:/dir4 machine3:/dir5';
++# $set{'set3'} =
++# '"/mnt/winmachine1/Documents and Settings" ' .
++# '"/mnt/winmachine1/Program Files"';
+ #
+ # "-set all" will back up all defined sets. If you are doing a full backup
+ # using tapes, each "set" will go onto a different tape and you will be
+ # prompted for tape change in between.
+ #
+-$set{'backup'} = "/home";
++$set{'backup'} = '/home';
+ # Subtree pruning
+ # A space-separated list of directories to prune from each backup.
+-# Key is a filesystem or host:dir spec as outlined above
+-# regular expressions allowed (not shell-type wildcards!)
+-$prune{'/'} = "tmp proc";
++# Key is a filesystem or host:dir spec as outlined above.
++# Regular expressions are allowed (not shell-type wildcards!)
++# Note: These "directories" are actually regular expressions and must
++# match "find" output relative to the path of the current backup set. This
++# means that different exclusions are needed for different backup sets.
++# This is a little tricky, so, read on.
++# The regular expressions are processed by "find" but, before "find" is run,
++# FlexBackup changes into the base directory of the backup set in progress.
++# FlexBackup then runs "find" with a path of "." which means all output lines
++# start with "./". To be helpful, FlexBackup packages each space-separated
++# prune directory as follows. If you have a prune list like this
++# $prune{'/somedir'} = 'one two three';
++# then, the constructed -regex argument to "find" looks like this
++# -regex "\./(one|two|three)"
++# (with characters escaped as necessary depending on your environment).
++# Another thing you need to know is that FlexBackup only uses the prune
++# terms that match the current base directory in the set you're backing
++# up. For example, if your backup set definition looks like this
++# $set{'daily'} = '/home /root /var /usr';
++# and you want to do some exclusions in "/home" and "/var" (but not the other
++# directories), you must set up a prune list for those two directories
++# separately. For example, to exclude bert's and ernie's home directories plus
++# /var/tmp, you would need the following:
++# $prune{'/home'} = 'bert ernie';
++# $prune{'/var'} = 'tmp';
++# In particular, combining these *does not* work. For example, this
++# $prune{'/'} = 'home/bert home/ernie var/tmp';
++# doesn't work, unless, of course, your backup set is backing up "/",
++# which our example is not.
++# Like the $set configuration item, special handling is required for
++# directories with spaces in them. Double quotes should surround pruning
++# targets but not the key. Example:
++# $prune{'/mnt/winmachine1/Documents and Settings'} =
++# '"user1/Local Settings/Temp" user2';
++# Many other complex and abstruse variations are possible. Here's one
++# interesting corner case. If you want to preserve a directory but none of its
++# contents, you can do it. Picking on ernie from our previous example, preserve
++# only his home directory:
++# $prune{'/home'} = 'ernie/.*';
++$prune{'/'} = 'tmp proc';
+ # Compression
+-$compress = 'gzip'; # one of false/gzip/bzip2/lzop/zip/compress/hardware
+-$compr_level = '4'; # compression level (1-9) (for gzip/bzip2/lzop/zip)
++$compress = 'gzip'; # one of false/gzip/bzip2/lzop/zip/compress/hardware/lzma
++$compr_level = '4'; # compression level (1-9) (for gzip/bzip2/lzop/zip/lzma)
+ # Buffering program - to help streaming
+ $buffer = 'buffer'; # one of false/buffer/mbuffer
+@@ -84,7 +147,8 @@
+ # True to try and preserve file access times during backup, if the selected
+ # archive program can do so. Note that if this is true, -cnewer checks (file
+ # permission/status changes only, not content) are turned off when deciding
+-# which files to archive on the local system.
++# which files to archive on the local system. This is because preserving the
++# access time changes the permission/status change time in the filesystem.
+ $atime_preserve = 'false';
+ # Span across filesytems? ("dump" will ignore this option)
+@@ -97,8 +161,13 @@
+ # leading directories (the filesystem specs above or the "-dir" flag).
+ # Matches paths, not filenames, so put .* on the front/back as needed.
+ # Comment these out to exclude nothing.
+-$exclude_expr[0] = '.*/[Cc]ache/.*';
+-$exclude_expr[1] = '.*~$';
++# Gentoo note: The first example line breaks portage in a restored backup
++# because "/usr/lib/portage/pym/cache" is not backed up. Way too general!
++# The moral of this story is, be very careful with global excludes. The
++# second example is probably okay.
++# $exclude_expr[0] = '.*/[Cc]ache/.*';
++# $exclude_expr[1] = '.*~$';
+ # If true (default), and using a tape device, level zero "set" backups
+ # assume you want to erase and use a new tape for each set. If false, level
+@@ -219,6 +288,8 @@
# $path{'afio'} = 'sudo -u nonrootuser afio';
-+$path{'tar'} = %%TAR_CMD%%;
++$path{'tar'} = '%%TAR_CMD%%';
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mt operation overrides. Set if flexbackup doesn't know the right mt
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup.conf.5 /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup.conf.5
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/files/patch-flexbackup.conf.5 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/files/patch-flexbackup.conf.5 2008-07-19 10:00:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+--- ./flexbackup.conf.5.orig 2008-07-19 09:56:34.000000000 +0200
++++ ./flexbackup.conf.5 2008-07-19 09:57:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -24,23 +24,51 @@
+ .TP
+ \fB$set{\fI'tag'\fR}\fR = \fI'/dir'\fR;
+ Configure backup \(dqsets\(dq. Not needed if \(dq-dir <dir>\(dq is used to
+-backup one tree at a time. Each set is a simple space-separated list of
+-filesystems/directories. Remote filesystems should be denoted as
+-\(dqhost:directory\(dq. You can use anything (other than \fI'all'\fR) as set
+-names. Using \(dq-set all\(dq will back up all defined sets. If you are doing
+-a full backup using tapes, each \(dqset\(dq will go onto a different tape and
+-you will be prompted for tape change in between. Examples:
++backup one tree at a time.
++Each set is a simple space-separated list of filesystems/directories.
++Remote filesystems should be denoted as \(dqhost:directory\(dq.
++You can use anything (other than \fI'all'\fR) as set names.
++Using \(dq-set all\(dq will back up all defined sets.
++If you are doing a full backup using tapes, each \(dqset\(dq will go onto a
++different tape and you will be prompted for tape change in between.
+ .RS
+ .PP
+ \fB$set{\fI'set1'\fI}\fR = \fI'/home /usr'\fR;
+ .br
+ \fB$set{\fI'set2'\fI}\fR = \fI'/dir3 machine2:/dir4 machine3:/dir5'\fR;
++Directories (local or remote) with spaces in their names should be enclosed in
++their entirety in double quotes.
++Multiple quoted directories included in a set should be space separated just
++like unquoted directories.
++The Perl '.' string concatenation operator can be used to split excessively
++long sets.
++\fB$set{\fI'set3'\fI}\fR = \fI
++ '\(dq/mnt/winmachine1/Documents and Settings\(dq ' .
++ '\(dq/mnt/winmachine1/Program Files\(dq';\fR
+ .RE
+ .TP
+ \fB$prune{\fI'/'\fR}\fR = \fI'tmp proc'\fR;
+ Configure subtree pruning. A space-separated list of directories to prune from
+ each backup. Key is a filesystem/directory or \(dqhost:directory\(dq spec as
+-outlined above regular expressions allowed (not shell-type wildcards!).
++outlined above. Regular expressions allowed (not shell-type wildcards!).
++Like the \fB$set\fR configuration item, special handling is required for
++directories with spaces in them. Double quotes should surround pruning targets
++but not the key. Example:
++\fB$prune{\fI'/mnt/winmachine1/Documents and Settings'\fI}\fR =
++ \fI'\(dquser1/Local Settings/Temp\(dq user2'\fR;
++There are lots of examples and additional explanation in the provided sample
++configuration file.
+ .TP
+ \fB$compress\fR = \fI'false|gzip|bzip2|lzop|zip|compress|hardware'\fR;
+ .TQ
+@@ -205,7 +233,7 @@
+ .RS
+ .TP
+ If GNU \fBtar\fR is called \fB\(dqgtar\(dq\fR on your system:
+-\fB$path{'tar'} = 'gtar';
++\fB$path{'tar'} = 'gtar';\fR
+ .TP
+ Or it can be used to \fB\(dqsudo\(dq\fR certain commands:
+ \fB$path{\fI'find'\fR}\fR = \fI'sudo find'\fR;
+@@ -302,3 +330,6 @@
+ Written by Edwin Huffstutler (edwinh at computer.org)
+ \fBflexbackup\fR(1)
++.\" Local Variables:
++.\" mode: nroff
++.\" End:
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/pkg-descr /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/pkg-descr
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup/pkg-descr 2003-08-29 15:02:37.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/ports/sysutils/flexbackup.new/pkg-descr 2008-07-23 18:50:05.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,4 +11,7 @@
o Keeps a table of contents so you know archives are on each tape
o Nice log files
+You can get additional information about remote backup strategies using SSH
+at http://www.sysfault.org/flexbackup.html
WWW: http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net/
--- flexbackup-1.2.1_3.patch ends here ---
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