ports/125542: audio/oss does not return propper SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE size

Martin Laabs martin.laabs at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Tue Jul 15 18:58:09 UTC 2008


> This is one of the incompatibilities between FreeBSD vs. OSS API.


> You have two choices here.  Compile your appliacations with
> include/soundcard.h from OSS distribution or use
> SNDCTL_DSP_GET[IO]SPACE as recommeneded in the manual.  The latter is
> obviously better choice and there is no incompatibility between the
> two versions.

OK so far ... But there are some binary programs (i.e. skype and teamspeak,
maybe also the flashplayer?) which can't be fixed in source. They just  
work with the OSS driver and - as far as I can see - this concerns not only
the "ich" driver but all OSS drivers since the ioctl handling is done in  

  Martin L.

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