ports/112652: net/freeradius: exited on signal 10 when used with sql authorization

Christian Kujau lists at nerdbynature.de
Wed May 23 23:40:15 UTC 2007

The following reply was made to PR ports/112652; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Christian Kujau <lists at nerdbynature.de>
To: david at wood2.org.uk
Cc: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/112652: net/freeradius: exited on signal 10 when used with
 sql authorization
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 00:34:42 +0100 (BST)

 [somehow the mail did not make it to my mailbox, I hope my reply is not
   too badly formatted]
 Hi David,
 > Normally email to the maintainer (in this case, me - check the port's
 > Makefile) or at least a pointer to the PR gets better results than
 > filing a PR on a port without alerting the maintainer - but I did
 > eventually notice this PR.
 ACK, will do "next time" ;)
 > The documentation is in /usr/local/share/doc/freeradius (assuming you
 > haven't redefined ${PREFIX}). I suggest you start with the file 
 > 'bugs'.
 Since I was using the FreeBSD port I was under the assumption that the 
 FreeBSD bugreport-framework ("filing a PR") would suffice so I skipped 
 this file :(
 > As an aside, using ports OpenSSL for FreeRADIUS is highly recommended
 > (looking at the shared library version, you might be using base system
 > OpenSSL, which is something of an antique on FreeBSD 6.x).
 Oh, did not know this either.
 > HUPping FreeRADIUS 1.1.6 is a bad idea
 Hey, I know :)
 > HUPped than previous versions). Unfortunately, segfaulting on the 
 > first
 > request after HUP is common - one reason why restarting the server is 
 > a better idea. This is a known deficiency which is being worked on - but
 > for which there's no quick fixes.
 Yeah, we're restarting the server now instead of HUPing - works just as 
 > 2.0, when it releases, is apparently much better behaved over HUP; I
 > intend to get a 2.0.0-pre1 port together in the next few days, but 
 > we're still in ports slush after the Xorg 7.2 upgrade.
 Thanks for your efforts David, I really appreciate it. However, 
 mysql-support was not as critical as assumed for our needs so we're now 
 using simple flat files to hold the userdata (which in turn are getting 
 updated by a script dumping extracting information from a MySQL db).
 Out of curiousity I'll probably follow the hints in the bugs file, 
 update openssl if possible and see what it gives...and report back to 
 the freeradius.org.
 thanks again,
 BOFH excuse #353:
 Second-system effect.

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