ports/96731: textproc/docbook-utils doesn`t build

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Sun May 13 19:20:38 UTC 2007

Paweł_Pękala <c0rn at o2.pl> wrote
  in <20070513205620.5dc31cd3 at caprica.slowicza.org>:

c0> > However, no port should install the line into sgml/catalog.ports.
c0> > Could you reproduce this symptom even when you did a clean install?
c0> > If so, could you tell me when the line was added?
c0>  It`s :
c0> CATALOG "/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/4.2/docbook.cat"
c0> on my system and it`s added by textproc/docbook-xml port.

 No, "4.2/docbook.cat" is not harmful one.  Do you have
 "4.1.2/docbook.cat" somewhere?

| Hiroki SATO
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