ports/105195: repocopy request openoffice.org-2.0 -> openoffice.org-2 openoffice.org-2-RC, openoffice.org-2.0-devel -> openoffice.org-2-devel

Nakata at FreeBSD.org Nakata at FreeBSD.org
Mon Nov 6 04:30:26 UTC 2006

>Number:         105195
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       repocopy request openoffice.org-2.0 -> openoffice.org-2 openoffice.org-2-RC, openoffice.org-2.0-devel -> openoffice.org-2-devel
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Nov 06 04:30:25 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Nakata, Maho
1. Next version of OpenOffice.org 2.1 and not 2.0.5
This proposal has been accepted by OOo community.
> OOo 2.1 (formerly known as 2.0.5)
Then the next version of 2.1 will be 2.2 etc. we have changed the
version number scheme.

2. Necessity of RC port.
Currently, I commit release candidates onto editors/openoffice.org-2.0,
however from 2.0.4-RC1 to filnal release, it takes very long. (RC1: 2006/9/5, and release 2006/10/13)
Release announce
While the release cycle of OOo, we always have possibly unstable
OOo (that's why they are release candidates ;) ) in the stable
(released) ooo. Force the users to have unstable OOo longer than
one month is absolutely unacceptable. Thus I decided to split
openoffice.org-2.0 port into two ports, one is ordinal one and
the other is for release candidates.

repocopy request:
editors/openoffice.org-2.0 -> editors/openoffice.org-2, editors/openoffice.org-2-RC
editors/openoffice.org-2.0-devel -> editors/openoffice.org-2-devel

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