ports/81113: lang/php5 reliant on outdated automake and autoconf versions
Jeremy Chadwick
freebsd at jdc.parodius.com
Mon May 16 16:30:10 UTC 2005
>Number: 81113
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: lang/php5 reliant on outdated automake and autoconf versions
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Mon May 16 16:30:07 GMT 2005
>Originator: Jeremy Chadwick
>Release: FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE i386
Parodius Networking
System: FreeBSD pentarou.parodius.com 4.11-STABLE FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE #0: Thu May 12 04:37:52 PDT 2005 root at pentarou.parodius.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PENTAROU i386
Mainly a send-pr to induce discussion between ale@ and myself...
There are portions of ports/Mk/bsd.php.mk (anything relating to PHP's
extension support, executed via phpize) which explicitly requests old
and outdated autoconf (v2.53) and automake (v1.5).
Additionally, lang/php5/files/patch-scripts::phpize.in also relies
specifically on aclocal15 and autoconf253.
I changed the appropriate files to reflect aclocal19 and autoconf259,
ditto with WANT_AUTOMAKE_VER=19 and WANT_AUTOCONF_VER=259, and numerous
PHP extensions I tried built without any problems. I did this on both
5.3-STABLE and 4.11-STABLE.
I assume some of the extensions don't work properly with older versions,
but for those extensions, could one not override WANT_AUTOMAKE_VER and
WANT_AUTOCONF_VER in lang/php5/Makefile.ext in the appropriate .ifdef
Basically, I'm just trying to get rid of different versions of autoconf
and automake on our systems, even though FreeBSD has done a beautiful
job of segregating each version.
Should be obvious.
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