ports/67036: bsd.port.mk: Clarify PORTDOCS comment.
Florent Thoumie
flz at xbsd.org
Sat May 22 12:21:04 UTC 2004
>Number: 67036
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: bsd.port.mk: Clarify PORTDOCS comment.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Sat May 22 05:20:27 PDT 2004
>Originator: Florent Thoumie
>Release: FreeBSD 4.9-RC i386
System: FreeBSD gw 4.9-RC FreeBSD 4.9-RC #4: Sun Oct 5 14:25:09 CEST 2003 rf at gw:/usr/src/sys/compile/GW i386
The actual PORTDOCS comment is really inaccurate and doesn't specify
it is included in the package list by add-plist-docs target.
--- bsd.port.mk.diff begins here. ---
--- /u/guest/flz/bsd.port.mk Sat May 22 13:58:56 2004
+++ /u/guest/flz/bsd.port.mk.new Sat May 22 14:03:56 2004
@@ -517,8 +517,8 @@
# PORTDOCS - A list of files and directories relative to DOCSDIR.
# Shell glob patterns can be used, directories include
# the entire subtree of contained files and directories.
-# Should not be set when no documentation files are
-# installed (for example because NOPORTDOCS is defined).
+# These files are automatically added to the package
+# list. This has no effect if NOPORTDOCS is defined.
# Useful for dynamically generated documentation.
# Default targets and their behaviors:
--- bsd.port.mk.diff begins here. ---
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