ports/64796: [NEW PORT] news/leafnode-devel: leafnode, supporting local groups and rnews
Matthias Andree
matthias.andree at gmx.de
Mon May 10 14:12:37 UTC 2004
Andrey Slusar <anray at santinel.home.ua> writes:
> >Submitter-Id: current-users
> >Originator: Andrey Slusar
> >Organization: Santinel
> >Confidential: no
> >Synopsis: ports/64796: [NEW PORT] news/leafnode-devel: leafnode,
> >supporting local groups and rnews
I am the upstream maintainer and the news/leafnode port maintainer.
I have several remarks about this new port.
SHORT STORY: reject this. Ask again in August.
* leafnode-2 is an alpha version that is not supposed to be packaged or
ported or whatever. This port lacks even the least trace of being an
alpha version, it doesn't even have a proper PORTVERSION. It should be
called 2.0.0.a20040510a (which is the current version) and have a
NOPACKAGE and a NO_LATEST_LINK and a _HUGE_ banner that it is an alpha
version, not suitable for production and all that, at the very least.
I have INTENTIONALLY refrained from making a leafnode-devel or
leafnode2 port to date, and the reason is simply that I'll have zero
spare time over the next two or three months and I simply cannot
afford attracting additional work - I couldn't handle it anyways.
Consider the leafnode-2 upstream effort suspended for the few
months. I don't have time to care for it, neither have the
Anyways, the license on the code does not prohibit FreeBSD from
offering such a port.
* I do not know Andrey and neither of his two addresses I know is on the
leafnode mailing list. I have never had off-list correspondence with
Andrey. How is a maintainer who is not on the (low-traffic!) mailing
list supposed to know what's going on upstream? How do I, how do the
FreeBSD ports system users know if he will support the port well?
I think a maintainer of an alpha port needs to fulfill extra duties
(and the Debian port maintainer meets these expectations), at least
for the time being until I have more spare time:
- subscribe to the pertinent mailing list, leafnode-list in this case,
and actively read it.
- be able to support users
- be acquainted with the code so he can offer advise or patches or at
least accompany forwarded bug reports with a good analysis, check if
the bug persists in a newer version and all that other first-level
support stuff.
- hopefully he's skilled enough to add an occasional bug fix to the
- co-operate with the upstream maintainers, and also co-operate with
other package maintainers in case inconsistencies need to be
resolved. This is very important to maintain a high quality of the
I do not know Andrey's skills, for lack of his visibility in my
range. If he can meet these expectations, fine, go ahead and read the
technical section below and revise the port.
But he should be aware he's going to do all the support work over the
next two or three months and have sufficient spare time to handle what
I can't do over the next weeks.
Given that leafnode-1.9 is stable and works well and requires very
little support (about one incident per week), but leafnode-2 has more
rough edges, bug fixes needing a forward port from 1.9 etc, it may not
be a good idea to create the port at this time.
On to the technical part:
> >Description:
> Added bugfixed and updated port
Bogus. leafnode-2 has its own set of bugs, likely to be more numerous
than leafnode-1.
> X# ports collection Makefile for: leafnode-devel
> X# Whom: Andrey Slusar <vasallia at ukr.net>
> X# Date created: 2004-03-01
Interesting. The port slept for two months without questions asked or
hints mailed to the upstream. There needs to be a lot more
communication if this is supposed to succeed some day.
> X#
> X# $FreeBSD$
> X#
> X
> XPORTNAME= leafnode
Bogus. 2.0.0.a20040510a.
> XCATEGORIES= news ipv6
> XMASTER_SITES= http://www.dt.e-technik.uni-dortmund.de/~ma/leafnode/beta/
Should be http://home.pages.de/~mandree/leafnode/beta/
> X
> XMAINTAINER= vasallia at ukr.net
> XCOMMENT= NNTP package for offline news caching and reading
> X
> XLIB_DEPENDS= pcre.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/pcre
> X
> XUSE_BZIP2= yes
> X
> X.if exists(/var/spool/news) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
> XLEAFNODE_SPOOLDIR?=/var/spool/news
> X.endif
> XLEAFNODE_SPOOLDIR?=/var/spool/leafnode
This should be
LEAFNODE_SPOOLDIR?= /var/spool/leafnode2
and nothing else. No ifs attached.
> X
> XCONFIGURE_ARGS= --prefix=${PREFIX} --sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/etc/leafnode \
> X --with-lockfile=${LEAFNODE_SPOOLDIR}/leaf.node/lock.file \
> X --enable-spooldir=${LEAFNODE_SPOOLDIR} --with-ipv6 \
> X --with-logdir=/var/log/leafnode
--with-lockfile? --with-logdir? --with-ipv6? Whence?
$ grep WITH configure.ac
> XCONFIGURE_TARGET=--build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}
> X
> XMAN1= newsq.1 lsmac.1
> XMAN5= filterfile.5
> XMAN8= applyfilter.8 checkgroups.8 fetchnews.8 leafnode.8 rnews.8 texpire.8
> XPKGMESSAGE= ${WRKSRC}/pkg-message
> X
> X
> X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
> Xpost-install:
> X.for i in ${MA_DOCS}
> X.endfor
> X.endif
> X
> X.include <bsd.port.mk>
OK, the port lacks NO_LATEST_LINK, NOPACKAGE and proper pkg-message with
huge "alpha version" warning banners.
> END-of-/usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/Makefile
> echo x - /usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/distinfo
> sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/distinfo << 'END-of-/usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/distinfo'
> XMD5 (leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20040510a.tar.bz2) = ed0db70357f41167cb3d874e11504133
> XSIZE (leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20040510a.tar.bz2) = 279098
> END-of-/usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/distinfo
> echo x - /usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/pkg-descr
> sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/pkg-descr << 'END-of-/usr/ports/news/leafnode-devel/pkg-descr'
> XLeafnode v2.0-ma is a simple NNTP server and client designed for
> small sites.
There is no "-ma" tag attached. I am the official leafnode-2
maintainer. The description should be refined to mention local groups.
> X
> XIt "learns" which newsgroups should be downloaded based on what's accessed.
> XUse it to enable online newsreaders to offline reading.
> X
> XWWW: http://www.dt.e-technik.uni-dortmund.de/~ma/leafnode/beta/
See above.
Matthias Andree
Encrypted mail welcome: my GnuPG key ID is 0x052E7D95
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