ports/75537: Update port: net/ldapsh - update to 2.00, kill a kitten, ...

Florent Thoumie flz at xbsd.org
Tue Dec 28 11:40:24 UTC 2004

The following reply was made to PR ports/75537; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Florent Thoumie <flz at xbsd.org>
To: Sergey Matveychuk <sem at FreeBSD.org>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/75537: Update port: net/ldapsh - update to 2.00, kill a
 kitten, ...
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 12:33:31 +0100

 Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
 > But if the problem is one file, may be we can make a conditional add it 
 > in plist?
 > Something like:
 > MAN3=...
 > .if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 500600
 > MAN3+=Net::LDAP::Config.3
 > .endif
 	Are you sure that's only one file ? There are 4 manpages for
 	section 3. So I guess it'll break for the next three.
 	I'm not a perl guru and I don't know if we can consider these
 	manpages as optional since what we want to install is ldapsh
 	(and not these perl modules).
 	If we decide that they're optional, something like what you
 	wrote would be good (replacing '<' with '>' and assuming that
 	only Net::LDAP::Config.3 is missing).

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