ports/75434: Move www/horde2 to www/horde and mail/imp3 to mail/imp.
Thierry Thomas
thierry at pompo.net
Thu Dec 23 15:20:32 UTC 2004
>Number: 75434
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: Move www/horde2 to www/horde and mail/imp3 to mail/imp.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Thu Dec 23 15:20:31 GMT 2004
>Originator: Thierry Thomas
>Release: FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE i386
Kabbale Eros
System: FreeBSD ws90bj.pompo.net 5.3-STABLE
I am going to update www/horde2 to version 3.0, and mail/imp3
to version 4.0. There is no reason to keep Horde 2 and IMP 3,
and it would be cleaner to remove the version number of these
ports names.
Please repocopy www/horde2 to www/horde and mail/imp3 to
mail/imp, and set responsible back to me.
Then I shall remove www/horde2 and mail/imp3, and upgrade
www/horde to 3.0, mail/imp to 4.0, with the other Horde's
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