ports/54647: Updated gsfonts 6.0 disables printing in Ted

Pedro F. Giffuni giffunip at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 24 05:10:17 UTC 2003

The following reply was made to PR ports/54647; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?Pedro=20F.=20Giffuni?=" <giffunip at yahoo.com>
To: j.e.drews at worldnet.att.net, freebsd-gnats-submit at freebsd.org
Cc: maho at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/54647: Updated gsfonts 6.0 disables printing in Ted
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 06:00:43 +0100 (BST)

  --- Jonathan <j.e.drews at worldnet.att.net> wrote: > On Wednesday 23 July 2003
 08:47 am, you wrote:
 > So something is wrong with type1inst (which IIRC) is a PERL script or 
 > something is wrong with the ghostscript-gnu port?
 Both ! The gnu-gsfonts-6.0 doesn't include a Fontmap file: for some obscure
 reason they decided to make it part of gnu-ghostcript instead. (gsfonts-5.1
 included the Fontmap file but not the X stuff). type1inst is an old utility and
 it's I'm not sure if it's maintained anymore.
 Perhaps you can try this?
 >  This would never be noticed on the ports install because the port invokes 
 > type1inst with no logging of errors and it prints out no errors, while it is 
 > running.
 There is a reason for that: logs or error reports are only for the port
 maintainer, the end user wouldn't like to find them in their pkg-plist, just
 like you wouldn't like to find bento logs on in a pkg_add () tarball.
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