ports/54153: update squid to 2.5STABLE3

Jon Noack noackjr at alumni.rice.edu
Sat Jul 19 22:58:41 UTC 2003

Add 5 more patches (see attached diff).  We're up to 2 Major, 4 Medium, 
and tons of Minor and Cosmetic patches since STABLE3 alone (much less 
all the stuff fixed since STABLE2, the version currently in ports). 
Also, I fixed some portlint complaints, the most major of which was not 
gzipping man pages.

Tested on 4.8-RELEASE and 5.1-RELEASE.  Please commit this or something 
like it soon.  This PR has been open since 7/6 and fixes major stability 
issues for me with Squid.

Also, as we're already at STABLE2 someone should close ports/50162.

Jon Noack
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