ports/54551: snmpd returns bad MIB variable value: tcp.tcpCurrEstab.0

Mário Freitas sub_0 at netcabo.pt
Wed Jul 16 18:59:32 UTC 2003

Im sorry I forgot to show the log /var/log/snmpd.log :

kvm_read(*, 0, 0xbfbfbc30, 228) = -1: kvm_read: Bad address
TCP_Count_Connections - inpcb: Bad address
kvm_read(*, 0, 0xbfbfbc30, 228) = -1: kvm_read: Bad address
TCP_Count_Connections - inpcb: Bad address

This happens when snmpd tries to count the number of tcp connections
in function TCP_Count_Connections().

Thanks in advance,

Mário Freitas

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