ports/54406: [patch] add two more cases to ports/Tools/portbuild/scripts/processlogs

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Sat Jul 12 05:20:17 UTC 2003

>Number:         54406
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [patch] add two more cases to ports/Tools/portbuild/scripts/processlogs
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jul 11 22:20:15 PDT 2003
>Originator:     Mark Linimon
>Release:        FreeBSD-4.7
System: FreeBSD lonesome.lonesome.com 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0: Fri Nov 8 23:46:29 CST 2002 root at lonesome.lonesome.com:/usr/src/sys/compile/MULTIMEDIA i386
	Some of the new build failures on amd64 are incorrectly being
	labeled as 'configure' when they are really 'arch'.  Also
	introduce a new error to catch the getopt changes, which
	seem to be prevalent at the moment.
	Here are two patches, one for the script and one for the
	index file on bento.  The latter is surely incorrect,
	as that file seems to be automatically generated these
	days, but from where, I don't know.

--- scripts/processlogs.dist	Fri Feb 14 03:28:42 2003
+++ scripts/processlogs	Sat Jul 12 00:12:53 2003
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
     elif grep -q "checking whether apxs works.*apxs: not found" $1; then
       reason="apxs"; tag="apxs"
     elif grep -qE '(configure: error:|script.*failed: here are the contents of)' $1; then
+      if grep -qE "configure: error: cpu .* not supported" $1; then
+        reason="arch"; tag="arch"
       if grep -qE "configure: error: (This program requires STL to compile|One or more.*STL headers are missing)" $1; then
         reason="stl"; tag="stl"
       elif grep -qE "configure: error: [Pp]erl (5.* required|version too old)" $1; then
@@ -247,6 +249,8 @@
       reason="ffs_conflict"; tag="ffs_conflict"
     elif grep -q "is forbidden: FreeBSD-SA-" $1; then
       reason="forbidden"; tag="forbidden"
+    elif grep -q "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgnugetopt" $1; then
+      reason="getopt"; tag="getopt"
     elif grep -qE "previous declaration.*int getopt" $1; then
       reason="getopt.h"; tag="getopt.h"
     elif grep -q 'Run-time system build failed for some reason' $1; then

--- bento_index.html.dist	Fri Jul 11 23:48:12 2003
+++ bento_index.html	Sat Jul 12 00:08:58 2003
@@ -295,13 +295,15 @@
 assembler or linker errors.  In some easy cases this is due to
 not picking up the various <tt>ARCH</tt> configuration variables
 in the Makefile; you'll see this via, e.g., a Sparc <tt>make</tt>
-failing while looking for an i386 subdirectory.  In other cases
+failing while looking for an i386 subdirectory.  For the 64-bit
+architectures, a common problem is the assumption many programmers
+make that pointers may be cast to and from 32-bit  ints.  In other cases
 the problems run much deeper, in which case <tt>ONLY_FOR_ARCHS</tt>
 may be needed.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="assert">assert</a></dt><dd>Compilation failed due to an assert.  This is often a variation
 on <tt>arch</tt> or <tt>missing header</tt>.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="autoconf">autoconf</a></dt><dd>Your port depends on <tt>autoconf</tt>, but the <tt>Makefile</tt>
 either doesn't have <tt>USE_AUTOCONF</tt>, or does not use
 <tt>USE_AUTOCONF_VER</tt> correctly.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="autoheader">autoheader</a></dt><dd>Your port depends on <tt>autoheader</tt>, but the <tt>Makefile</tt>
-cannot find it.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="automake">automake</a></dt><dd>Your port depends on <tt>automake</tt>, but the <tt>Makefile</tt>
+cannot find it; set USE_AUTOHEADER.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="automake">automake</a></dt><dd>Your port depends on <tt>automake</tt>, but the <tt>Makefile</tt>
 either doesn't have <tt>USE_AUTOMAKE</tt>, or does not use
 <tt>USE_AUTOMAKE_VER</tt> correctly.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="awk">awk</a></dt><dd><tt>awk</tt> is complaining about some kind of bogus string
 expression.</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="badc++">bad C++ code</a></dt><dd>There is a compiler error which is caused by something specific
@@ -316,7 +318,7 @@
 "<tt>chown user:group filename</tt>". This happened quite some time
 ago, actually, but it is only now being enforced. (The change was
 made to allow '.' in usernames).</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="configure">configure error</a></dt><dd>The port's <tt>configure</tt> script produced some kind of
-error.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="coredump">coredump</a></dt><dd>Some process dropped core. While your port may indeed be faulty,
+error.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="coredump">coredump</a></dt><dd>Some process in the build chain dropped core. While your port may indeed be faulty,
 the process that dropped core should also be fixed.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="dependobj">depend object</a></dt><dd>The port is trying to reinstall a dependency that already
 exists. This is usually caused by the first field of a
 <tt>*_DEPENDS</tt> line (the <tt>obj</tt> of
@@ -338,7 +340,9 @@
 The "correct" fix is not known at this time.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="forbidden">forbidden</a></dt><dd>Someone has marked this port as "forbidden", almost always due
 to security concerns.  See the logfile for more information.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="gcc-bug">gcc bug</a></dt><dd>You have tickled a bug in gcc itself. See the
 <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/bugs.html">GNU bug report documentation</a>
-for further information.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="getopt.h">getopt.h</a></dt><dd><tt><getopt.h></tt> is conflicting with <tt>unistd.h</tt>.</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="install">install error</a></dt><dd>There was an error during installation.</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="lc_r">lib c_r not found</a></dt><dd>This library has not yet been ported to e.g. the
+for further information.</dd><dt><img alt="(uncommon)" src="bento_index_files/purple-ball.gif"><a tag="getopt.h">getopt.h</a></dt><dd><tt><getopt.h></tt> is conflicting with <tt>unistd.h</tt>.</dd>
+<img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="getopt">getopt</a></dt><dd><tt>Your port may need to set the new port variable <tt>USE_GETOPT_LONG</tt>.</dd>
+<dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="install">install error</a></dt><dd>There was an error during installation.</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="lc_r">lib c_r not found</a></dt><dd>This library has not yet been ported to e.g. the
 Sparc. (This may have been fixed recently).</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="libdepends">LIB_DEPENDS</a></dt><dd>The <tt>LIB_DEPENDS</tt> line specifies a library name
 incorrectly. This often happens when a port is upgraded and the
 shared library version number changes.</dd><dt><img alt="(common)" src="bento_index_files/blue-ball.gif"><a tag="ld">linker error</a></dt><dd>There is a linker error which is caused by something other than
@@ -407,4 +411,4 @@
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