ports/54029: new port devel/p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip
Mathieu Arnold
m at absolight.net
Mon Jul 7 08:28:47 UTC 2003
+-le 07/07/2003 01:11 -0700, Erwin Lansing écrivait :
| Synopsis: new port devel/p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip
| State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
| State-Changed-By: erwin
| State-Changed-When: Mon Jul 7 01:10:45 PDT 2003
| State-Changed-Why:
| Looks like you missed a dependency on Module::Build
| ===> Configuring for p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip-0.01
| This module requires Module::Build to install itself.
| Install Module::Build from CPAN? [y] ^C
| lemur#
| http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=54029
Yup, juste change the BUILD_DEPENDS to be this :
Mathieu Arnold
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