ports/54017: vnc ports misses XFree86-client dep

James Raftery james at now.ie
Fri Jul 4 10:24:33 UTC 2003


Sergey A. Osokin writes:
> Synopsis: vnc ports misses XFree86-client dep
> Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->james at now.ie
> Responsible-Changed-By: osa
> Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Jul 4 02:13:15 PDT 2003
> Responsible-Changed-Why: 
> Over to maintainer.

Peter, thanks for your report. Another user, who noted the missing dep. on 
xauth also, said that vncserver wouldn't start as the 'fixed' font was 
absent. Did you see similar behaviour?
My scratch machine is tied up at the moment so I haven't been able to 
confirm a dependency on XFree86-4-fontDefaultBitmaps (which would supply a 
suitable 'fixed'). If I had confirmation from a second source (you!) I'd be 
happy to fix that now too. 


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