ports/60479: x11-toolkits/p5-Tk800

Slaven Rezic eserte at vran.herceg.de
Sun Dec 21 21:00:33 UTC 2003

>Number:         60479
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       x11-toolkits/p5-Tk800
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Dec 21 13:00:30 PST 2003
>Originator:     Slaven Rezic
>Release:        FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD vran.herceg.de 4.9-STABLE FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE #0: Thu Dec 4 12:12:57 CET 2003 root at vran.herceg.de:/usr/obj/usr/local/src/FreeBSD-4/src/sys/VRAN i386

	The current x11-toolkits/p5-Tk port is based on
	Tk-804.025_beta6. This is problematic, because

	* The 804.025 beta series is not yet stable enough
	* There are (still) incompatibilites which may break older
	  Perl/Tk scripts (and in fact it breaks the german/BBBike
	* Using 804.025 forces the user to upgrade their perl.


	The best solution would be to create two ports: one with the
	old Tk800.025 port source and a new one with the current
	port source. The naming of both could be
	* "p5-Tk800" and "p5-Tk"
	* "p5-Tk" and "p5-Tk-devel"
	* "p5-Tk-800" and "p5-Tk-804"

	or so.

	In either case, the german/BBBike dependency should be changed
	to use the older port.

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