ports/55836: Selecting text in gnome-terminal causes CPU usage torise and application to temporarily freeze
Brian Tao
taob at risc.org
Thu Aug 21 13:40:15 UTC 2003
>Number: 55836
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: Selecting text in gnome-terminal causes CPU usage to rise and application to temporarily freeze
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Thu Aug 21 06:40:12 PDT 2003
>Originator: Brian Tao
>Release: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE i386
Remote Information Systems Consulting
System: FreeBSD cabal 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Mon Aug 18 18:01:51 EDT 2003 taob at cabal:/depot/obj/depot/src/sys/A21M i386
Installed packages:
Hermes-1.3.3 Fast pixel formats conversion library
ImageMagick-5.5.6_3 Image processing tools (interactive optional--misc/display
Mesa-3.4.2_2 A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
ORBit-0.5.17 High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
ORBit2-2.6.3 High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
XFree86-4.3.0,1 X11/XFree86 core distribution (complete, using mini/meta-po
XFree86-FontServer-4.3.0_1 XFree86-4 font server
XFree86-Server-4.3.0_9 XFree86-4 X server and related programs
XFree86-clients-4.3.0_3 XFree86-4 client programs and related files
XFree86-documents-4.3.0 XFree86-4 documentation
XFree86-font100dpi-4.3.0 XFree86-4 bitmap 100 dpi fonts
XFree86-font75dpi-4.3.0 XFree86-4 bitmap 75 dpi fonts
XFree86-fontEncodings-4.3.0 XFree86-4 font encoding files
XFree86-fontScalable-4.3.0 XFree86-4 scalable fonts
XFree86-libraries-4.3.0_5 XFree86-4 libraries and headers
Xaw3d-1.5 A 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif
Xft-2.1.2 A client-sided font API for X applications
aalib-1.4.r5_1 An ascii art library
acme-2.0.6 Tool to make multimedia keys work on laptops
acroread-5.06_1 View, distribute and print PDF documents
amp-0.7.6 Another mp3 player
apache-2.0.47 Version 2 of the extremely popular Apache http server
aspell-0.50.3_1 Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
at-spi-1.2.1 An Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atk-1.2.4 A GNOME accessibility toolkit (ATK)
autoconf-2.53_1 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf213-2.13.000227_5 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
automake-1.5,1 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake14-1.4.5_9 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (legacy version
bison-1.75 A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
bitstream-vera-1.10 Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
bladeenc-0.94.2 MP3 encoder
boehm-gc-6.2 Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bonnie++-1.93.03 Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonobo-1.0.22 The component and compound document system for GNOME
bonobo-activation-2.2.4,1 An object activation framework for GNOME 2
bsd-airtools-0.2 BSD Wireless Scanning Tools
bugbuddy2-2.2.106 A bug reporting tool for GNOME 2
bzip-0.21 A block-sorting file compressor
cabextract-0.6_1 A program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
ccache-2.2 A tool to minimize the compile time of C programs
cclient-2002d,1 Mark Crispin's C-client mail access routines
cdrtools-2.0.3 Cdrecord, mkisofs and several other programs to record CD-R
compat3x-i386-4.4.20020925 A convenience package to install the compat3x libraries
crw-1.03 A utility to process Canon camera RAW (.crw) files
cups-base- The Common UNIX Printing System: headers, libs, & daemons
cups-pstoraster-7.07 GNU Postscript interpreter for CUPS printing to non-PS prin
curl-7.10.5_1 "Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S
cvsup-16.1h General network file distribution system optimized for CVS
dagrab-0.3.5_1 Read audio tracks from a CD into wav sound files
djbfft-0.76 An extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
docbook-sk-4.1.2 XML version of the DocBook DTD version controlled for Scrol
docbook-xml-4.2_1 XML version of the DocBook DTD
docbook-xsl-1.61.3_1 XSL DocBook stylesheets
durep-0.8.1 Utility for monitoring disk usage in a more visual way than
eel2-2.2.4 Generally useful classes and extensions to GNOME
eog2-2.2.1 The Eye Of Gnome image viewer
esound-0.2.31 A sound library for enlightenment package
exiftags-0.97 Parses a specified JPEG file for a JPEG APP1 section contai
expat-1.95.6_1 XML 1.0 parser written in C
ezm3-1.1 Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for building CV
faad2-1.1_1 A LC, MAIN and LTP profile, MPEG2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder
fam-2.6.9_3 A file alteration monitor
fileroller-2.2.5,1 An archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
flashplayer-0.4.10_1 GPL standalone Flash (TM) player
fltk-1.1.2 C++ graphical user interface for X
fontconfig-2.2.90_3 An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
freetype-1.3.1_2 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
freetype2-2.1.4_1 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
gail-1.2.2 An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GTK+ widgets
gal2-1.99.9 A collection of widgets taken from GNOME 2 gnumeric
galeon2-1.3.7 A GNOME 2 Web browser based on gecko (the Mozilla rendering
gcc-3.1.1_20020909 GNU Compiler Collection 3.1 (inprogress version)
gconf-1.0.9_5 A configuration database system for GNOME
gconf-editor-0.4.1,1 A gconf database editor for the GNOME 2 environment
gconf2-2.2.1 A configuration database system for GNOME
gd-1.8.4_7,1 A graphics library for fast creation of images
gdbm-1.8.3 The GNU database manager
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0 A graphic library for GTK+
gdm2- GNOME 2 version of xdm display manager
gedit2-2.2.2 A small but powerful text editor for Gnome 2.0 Desktop Envi
gettext-0.11.5_1 GNU gettext package
ggv2-2.0.1 GNOME 2 ghostscript viewer
ghostscript-gnu-7.07_3 GNU Postscript interpreter
gimp-gnome-1.3.18,1 A GNU Image Manipulation Program (unstable development vers
gimp-print-4.2.5 GIMP Print Printer Driver
gle-3.0.3 A GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
glib-1.2.10_9 Some useful routines of C programming (previous stable vers
glib-2.2.2 Some useful routines of C programming (current stable versi
gmake-3.80 GNU version of 'make' utility
gnome-icon-theme-1.0.6 A collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-pkgview-1.0.1 Displays the version of GNOME components installed
gnome-themes-2.2.2 A collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2 designed for a
gnome2-2.2.2_2 The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 integrated X11 desktop
gnomeapplets2-2.2.2_3 Applets components for the Gnome 2 Desktop Environment
gnomeaudio2-2.0.0 Sound files for use with GNOME 2
gnomecanvas-0.22.0 A graphics library for GNOME
gnomecontrolcenter2-2.2.2 Control center for GNOME 2.0 project
gnomedb-0.2.96_1 Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME enviro
gnomedesktop-2.2.2 Additional UI API for GNOME 2
gnomegames2-2.2.1_3 The game applications package for the Gnome 2 Desktop Envir
gnomehier-1.0_8 An utility port, installing hierarchy of common GNOME direc
gnomelibs-1.4.2_1 Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
gnomemedia2-2.2.2 Multimedia applications for the GNOME 2.0 desktop
gnomemimedata-2.2.1 A MIME and Application database for GNOME
gnomepanel- Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
gnomeprint-0.37 Gnome print support library
gnomesession-2.2.2_1 Session component for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnomesystemmonitor-2.0.5 GNOME 2.0 system monitor program
gnometerminal-2.2.2 Terminal component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
gnomeuserdocs2-2.0.6_1 GNOME 2 users guide
gnomeutils2-2.2.3,1 GNOME 2 support utilities
gnomevfs2-2.2.5 GNOME Virtual File System
gnumeric2-1.1.19 The GNOME 2 spreadsheet
gnuplot-3.7.2 A command-driven interactive function plotting program
gqview-devel-1.3.1 Another gtk2-based graphic file viewer
gstreamer-0.6.2 Development framework for creating media applications
gstreamer-plugins-0.6.2_1 GStreamer written collection of plugins handling several me
gtk-1.2.10_9 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
gtk-2.2.2_1 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
gtk-engines2-2.2.0 Theme engine for the gtk+-2.0 toolkit
gtk-thinice-engine-2.0.2 A simple, clean theme engine
guile-1.6.4_2 GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
gv-3.5.8_2 A PostScript and PDF previewer
hdf-4.1r5 Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
help2man-1.29 Automatically generating simple manual pages from program o
id3lib-3.8.2 Library for manipulating ID3v1/v1.1 and ID3v2 tags
imake-4.3.0_1 Imake and other utilities from XFree86
imlib-1.9.14_1 A graphic library for enlightenment package
imlib2-1.0.6_1 The next generation graphic library for enlightenment packa
intltool-0.27.2 Xml internationalization support for GNOME, and others
isakmpd-20021118 OpenBSD IKE daemon
isilo-2.58 Converts documents from text/HTML to iSilo format
ispell-3.2.06_3 An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
jasper-1.700.2 An implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 s
javavmwrapper-1.4 Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
jbigkit-1.5 Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pa
jhead-1.8 Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover
jpeg-6b_1 IJG's jpeg compression utilities
lame-3.93.1 ISO code based fast MP3 encoder kit
lcms-1.09,1 Light Color Management System -- a color management library
lha-1.14i_1 Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files)
libIDL-0.8.2 A library for creating trees of CORBA Interface Definition
liba52-0.7.4 A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
libarc-2.0.2 Tiny C library to decompress data in several popular compre
libart_lgpl2-2.3.14 Library for high-performance 2D graphics
libaudiofile-0.2.3 A sound library for SGI audio file
libbonobo-2.2.3 A component and compound document system for GNOME2
libbonoboui-2.2.4 GUI frontend to the libbonobo component of GNOME 2
libdivxdecore-0.4.7 OpenDivX decoding engine from Project Mayo
libdivxdecore-devel- OpenDivX decoding engine from Project Mayo (development ver
libdivxencore-devel- OpenDivX encoding engine from Project Mayo
libdvdcss-1.2.5 Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdread-0.9.4 This is needed by ogle, which is a DVD player that supports
libexif-0.5.12 Library to read digital camera file meta-data
libflash-0.4.10 GPL Flash (TM) Library
libfpx- Library routines for working with Flashpix images
libgail-gnome-1.0.2_1 An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GNOME widgets
libgda-0.2.96_1 Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libgda2-0.91.0 Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libglade2-2.0.1_1 GNOME glade library
libgmp-4.1.2_2 A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
libgnome-2.2.3_1 Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
libgnomecanvas-2.2.1 A graphics library for GNOME
libgnomeprint- Gnome print support library
libgnomeprintui- Gnome print support library
libgnomeui-2.2.2 Libraries for the GNOME GUI, a GNU desktop environment
libgnugetopt-1.2 GNU getopt library
libgsf-1.8.1 An extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with structured f
libgtkhtml-2.2.4_1 Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
libgtop2-2.0.3 GNOME 2 top library
libiconv-1.9.1_1 A character set conversion library
libijs-0.34 C library that supports plugin printer driver for Ghostscri
libltdl-1.5 System independent dlopen wrapper
libmikmod-3.1.10 MikMod Sound Library
libmng-1.0.5_1 Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmpeg2-0.3.1_1 A free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libnet-1.0.2a A C library for creating IP packets
libogg-1.0_1,3 Ogg bitstream library
librep-0.16.2_1 An Emacs Lisp like runtime library
librsvg2-2.2.5_2 Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
libsidplay-1.36.57 A Commodore SID-chip emulator library to play SID music fil
libsndfile-1.0.5 Reading and writing files containing sampled sound (like WA
libtool-1.3.5_1 Generic shared library support script
libungif-4.1.0b1_1 Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
libvorbis-1.0_1,3 Audio compression codec library
libwmf-0.2.8 Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows met
libwnck-2.2.2 Library used for writing pagers and taskslists
libxml-1.8.17_1 Xml parser library for GNOME
libxml2-2.5.10 Xml parser library for GNOME
libxslt-1.0.32 The XSLT C library for GNOME
libzvt-2.0.1_6 Library components for Zed's Virtual Terminal
linc-1.0.3 A library for writing networked servers & clients
linux-jpeg-6b.15_2 RPM of Jpeg lib
linux-png-1.0.14_2 RPM of the PNG lib
linux-unace-2.20 Extract, view & test ACE 2 archives
linux_base-7.1_2 The base set of packages needed in Linux mode
logjam2-4.2.2 A GTK2 interface to livejournals, ie www.livejournal.com
lzo-1.08_1 Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
lzop-1.01 Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
m4-1.4_1 GNU's m4
man2html-3.0.1_1 Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
metacity-2.4.55_1 A window manager for the adult in you
mgdiff-1.0 A graphical front end to the Unix diff command
mgv-3.1.5 A PostScript and PDF previewer
mkisofs-2.0 Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems
mkitalic-1.0 Perl script to make BDF font italic
mlterm-2.7.0 Multilingual X11 terminal emulator
mozilla-firebird-0.6.1_1 Mozilla Firebird is the next generation browser from the mo
mozilla-gtk2-1.4 The open source, standards compliant web browser
mozilla-headers-1.4,2 Header files for mozilla communicator web-surfboard
mpeg_play-2.4 A program to play mpeg movies on X displays
mpg123-esound-0.59r_9 Command-line player for mpeg layer 1, 2 and 3 audio
mplayer-fonts-0.50 A font pack for the mplayer OSD and SUB
mplayer-gtk-esound- High performance media player/encoder supporting many forma
mplayer-skins-1.0.5_2 Skins for MPlayer's Graphical User Interface (GUI)
mtools-3.9.8_1 A collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files
mtv-1.2.5 High-performance MPEG video player (shareware)
mysql-client-3.23.55 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
nasm-0.98.35,1 General-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
nautilus-media-0.2.2 GStreamer-based multimedia views for Nautilus
nautilus2-2.2.4 GNOME file manager and graphical shell developed by Eazel
nessus-libnasl-devel-1.3.4 Nessus Attack Scripting Language
nessus-libraries-devel-1.3.4 Libraries for Nessus, the security scanner
netpbm-10.12 A toolkit for conversion of images between different format
nmap-3.30 Port scanning utility for large networks
nspmod-0.1 MOD/S3M/MTM tracker that does it's own DSP, uses VoxWare v2
nspr-4.3_2 A platform-neutral API for system level and libc like funct
nss-3.8 A set of libraries to support development of security-enabl
oaf-0.6.10_1 Object Activation Framework for GNOME
open-motif-2.2.2_1 Motif X11 Toolkit (industry standard GUI (IEEE 1295))
openoffice-1.0.2 Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/bro
p5-Authen-SASL-2.04 Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-Chart-2.2 A perl5 interface to build chart graphics
p5-DBI-1.37 The perl5 Database Interface. Required for DBD::* modules
p5-Data-ShowTable-3.3 Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
p5-GD-1.41 A perl5 interface to Gd Graphics Library
p5-IO-stringy-2.108 Perl5 module for using IO handles with non-file objects
p5-MIME-Base64-2.20 Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-MIME-Tools-5.411a_2 A set of perl5 modules for MIME
p5-Mail-Tools-1.58 Perl5 modules for dealing with Internet e-mail messages
p5-Mysql-modules-1.2216 Perl5 modules for accessing MySQL databases
p5-Net-1.12,1 Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
p5-Net-Daemon-0.36 Perl5 extension for portable daemons
p5-Palm-1.2.4 Perl 5 modules for reading and writing Palm database files
p5-PlRPC-0.2016 Perl module for writing RPC servers and clients
p5-Storable-2.06 Persistency for perl data structures
p5-Test-Harness-2.28 Run perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-Simple-0.47_1 Basic utilities for writing tests in perl
p5-TimeDate-1.16,1 Perl5 module containing a better/faster date parser for abs
pango-1.2.3 An open-source framework for the layout and rendering of i1
pcre-4.3 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pdflib-4.0.3 A C library for dynamically generating PDF
pfaedit-20030211 Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
pilot-link-0.11.7_1 PalmPilot communications utilities (backup/restore/install/
pine-4.56 PINE(tm) -- a Program for Internet News & Email
pkgconfig-0.15.0 An utility used to retrieve information about installed lib
png-1.2.5_2 Library for manipulating PNG images
popt-1.6.4 A getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements, fro
portupgrade-20030723 FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool s
ppmtoTbmp-1.1 PPM to Pilot bitmap converter
psiconv-0.8.3_1 A conversion utility to convert Psion 5(MX) files into othe
pth-2.0.0 GNU Portable Threads
py23-expat-2.3_2 Python interface to the Expat XML parser
py23-imaging-1.1.4 The Python Imaging Library
py23-numeric-23.0 The Numeric Extension to Python
py23-tkinter-2.3_1 Python bindings to the Tk widget set
python-2.3 An interpreted object-oriented programming language
rdesktop-1.2.0 RDP client for Windows NT Terminal Server
rep-gtk2-gnome-0.17_2,1 GTK+-2 binding for rep Lisp interpreter
rsync-2.5.6_1 A network file distribution/synchronization utility
ruby- An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby-bdb1-0.2.1 Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full featu
ruby-rdoc-0.0.0.b2 Documentation from Ruby source files
ruby-shim-ruby18-1.8.0.p2.2003.04.19_1 A set of Ruby modules to provide Ruby 1.8 functionalities
sawfish2-1.3_3,2 Lisp configurable window manager
screen-3.9.15_1 A multi-screen window manager
scrollkeeper-0.3.12_1,1 An Open Document Cataloging Project
sdl-1.2.5_2 Cross-platform multi-media development API (developm. vers.
sdl_image-1.2.2_1 A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL s
sdocbook-xml- "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD
sed_inplace-2002.10.19 A modified version of the sed(1) which can do in-place edit
sidplay-1.0.9 A Commodore SID-chip emulator that plays SID music files
sox-12.17.4 SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
splay- An audio player that decodes MPEG Layer I,II,III and WAV fi
squid-2.4_10 The successful WWW proxy cache and accelerator
startup-notification-0.5_1 Library that supports startup notification spec from freede
stlport-gcc-4.5.3_1 Adaptation of SGI's Standard Template Library
stuffit- Stuffit Archive Creator and Expander
svgalib-1.4.3 A low level console graphics library
swftools-0.4.4 SWF manipulation and generation utilities
swig-1.1p5_9 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
t1lib-5.0.0 A Type 1 Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
tcl-8.3.5 Tool Command Language
tcl-8.4.4,1 Tool Command Language
tidy-20000804_2 Fixes and tidies up HTML files
tiff-3.5.7_1 Tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
timidity++-esound-2.11.3_1 Software MIDI player
tk-8.3.5 Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-8.4.4,1 Graphical toolkit for TCL
trafshow-3.1_3 Full screen visualization of network traffic
ttmkfdir-0.0_1 Create fonts.scale file for use with TrueType font server
ucd-snmp-4.2.6 An extendable SNMP implementation
unclutter-8 Remove idle cursor image from screen
unzip-5.50_2 List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
urwfonts-1.0 Another font package for X
vim-6.2.61 Vi "workalike", with many additional features
vte-0.10.29 Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N suppor
w3m- A pager/text-based WWW browser
wavplay-1.4 A wav player and recorder
webfonts-0.21_1 TrueType core fonts for the Web
win32-codecs-2.0.90,1 Huge compilation of Win32 binary codecs, including MPEG-4(D
wine-2003.03.18 Microsoft Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000 emulator for Unix
wmicons-1.0 Icons mainly for use in Window Maker
wrapper-1.0_3 Wrapper for XFree86-4 server
wxgtk-2.4.0 The wxWindows GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (unstable vers
xanim-2.92.0 Play most popular animation formats and show pictures
xautolock-1.15 Used to activate xlock after a user defined time of inactiv
xli-1.17.0_1 Xli, xsetbg, xview, xlito - utilities to display images on
xloadimage-4.1.10 X11 Image Loading Utility
xml-i18n-tools-0.9 Xml internationalization support for GNOME, and others
xmlcatmgr-0.2_1 SGML/XML catalog manager
xmovie- A movie player for AVI, MPEG-2/4 and MOV movies
xmp-esound-2.0.4 A player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
xpdf-2.02.1 Display PDF files, and convert them to other formats
xpm-3.4k The X Pixmap library
xscreensaver-gnome-4.12 Save your screen while you entertain your cat (for GNOME us
xv-3.10a_3 An X11 program that displays images of various formats
xvid-0.9.2,1 An opensource MPEG-4 codec, based on OpenDivx
yelp-2.2.3 A help browser for GNOME 2.0 desktop
zip-2.3_1 Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
gnome-terminal 2.2.2 exhibits a problem where it does not immediately
respond to a text selection action. That is, the visual feedback of
reverse-highlighting the text is noticeably delayed (sometimes by 10
seconds or more). While gnome-terminal is in this state, no other
screen updates are performed (typing echo, terminal updates, refresh
due to window resize or move, etc.) and CPU usage runs abnormally high
(over 50% on this 800-MHz P3 laptop). Normal usage is under 1%.
After this period of lethargy, gnome-terminal will "wake up" and
resume normal behaviour.
I am running the gnome2 port (2.2.2_2), cvsupped from ports-stable on
or around August 18. Sub-pixel AA has been enabled for font display,
but changing that setting does not eliminate the sluggish behaviour.
Font used is 7.5-point Lucida Console. No background pixmap or
transparency is being used.
This text selection problem does not appear to exist in any other
gnome2 application (logjam2, gnumeric2, galeon2, etc.).
Run gnome-terminal, then run a command that produces a screenful of
text ("ls -lR /" or "top" or whatever). Attempt to select some text
using left-button and drag. Curse gnome-terminal for freezing up. ;-)
No known fix.
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