ports/51639: Maintainer update: www/linux-opera7
reigncracks at hotmail.com
reigncracks at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 30 21:40:04 UTC 2003
>Number: 51639
>Category: ports
>Synopsis: Maintainer update: www/linux-opera7
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs
>State: open
>Class: maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Wed Apr 30 14:40:02 PDT 2003
>Originator: Mezz
>Release: FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD ns1.mezzweb.com 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0: Sun Jan 19 23:00:28 CST 2003 mezz at ns1.mezzweb.com:/usr/src/sys/compile/BSDRULZ i386
Update from 7.10b1 to 7.11 TP5 and tweak the sentences to get better look
in the 80 screen (break the many long line).
Here's diff:
--- linux-opera7.diff begins here ---
diff -ur linux-opera7.orig/Makefile linux-opera7/Makefile
--- linux-opera7.orig/Makefile Fri Apr 18 12:17:30 2003
+++ linux-opera7/Makefile Tue Apr 29 17:07:29 2003
@@ -6,12 +6,9 @@
+PORTVERSION= 7.11.20030429
CATEGORIES= www linux
-MASTER_SITES= http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/opera/linux/710/beta1/en/i386/static/ \
- ftp://ftp.hu-berlin.de/pub/www/opera/linux/710/beta1/en/i386/static/ \
- ftp://ftp.tiscali.nl/pub/mirrors/opera/linux/710/beta1/en/i386/static/ \
- ftp://opera.online.no/pub/online.no/mirrors/operasoftware/linux/710/beta1/en/i386/static/
+MASTER_SITES= http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/intel-linux/395-20030429-7.11-TP5/
DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:S/.2/-2/}.1-static-qt.i386
diff -ur linux-opera7.orig/distinfo linux-opera7/distinfo
--- linux-opera7.orig/distinfo Fri Apr 18 12:17:30 2003
+++ linux-opera7/distinfo Tue Apr 29 15:43:56 2003
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (opera-7.1.0-20030410.1-static-qt.i386.tar.bz2) = 973173f4392b498bd0d48d4af3bb7a90
+MD5 (opera-7.11-20030429.1-static-qt.i386.tar.bz2) = ccde5bceb60c2179e6182dd979c3de97
diff -ur linux-opera7.orig/pkg-descr linux-opera7/pkg-descr
--- linux-opera7.orig/pkg-descr Fri Apr 18 12:17:30 2003
+++ linux-opera7/pkg-descr Tue Apr 29 15:53:47 2003
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
-Opera 7 is a substantial upgrade, with code rewritten from the rendering engine and up, resulting in the fastest, smallest, most full-featured desktop browser ever released.
+Opera 7 is a substantial upgrade, with code rewritten from the rendering engine
+and up, resulting in the fastest, smallest, most full-featured desktop browser
+ever released.
-New rendering engine
-Opera's new rendering engine supports W3C's DOM (Document Object Model) level 2, non-standard dynamic HTML (DHTML), CSS1 and CSS2, ECMAScript, and has improved HTML 4.01 support, as well as complete support for WML 1.3 and 2.0. It is faster, smaller and can dynamically change documents through DOM.
+Opera's new rendering engine supports W3C's DOM (Document Object Model) level 2,
+non-standard dynamic HTML (DHTML), CSS1 and CSS2, ECMAScript, and has improved
+HTML 4.01 support, as well as complete support for WML 1.3 and 2.0. It is
+faster, smaller and can dynamically change documents through DOM.
-M2 -- new e-mail client
-Opera's new e-mail client, M2, automatically categorizes and sorts e-mail messages by contact and has an integrated spam filter. Innovative features such as QuickReply and QuickFind lets users answer or find e-mails at unrivalled speed. M2 supports POP3, IMAP, ESMTP, and threaded display of mailing lists. In addition, M2 supports news servers with password authentication.
+Opera's new e-mail client, M2, automatically categorizes and sorts e-mail
+messages by contact and has an integrated spam filter. Innovative features such
+as QuickReply and QuickFind lets users answer or find e-mails at unrivalled
+speed. M2 supports POP3, IMAP, ESMTP, and threaded display of mailing lists.
+In addition, M2 supports news servers with password authentication.
This is still a very early development version!
diff -ur linux-opera7.orig/pkg-message linux-opera7/pkg-message
--- linux-opera7.orig/pkg-message Sat Apr 19 07:55:18 2003
+++ linux-opera7/pkg-message Tue Apr 29 15:51:19 2003
@@ -3,24 +3,22 @@
Subject: Preview 3 of Opera 7.10 for Linux available
Date: 2003-04-03 03:12:15 PST
-This is the first release ever that is synchronized with an Opera
-for windows release. Windows is released as 7.10 Beta 1 today and
-since we share the user interface and most of the other components
-we have jumped to the 7.10 tag as well (thus skipping 7.0). We have
-not has as much time to test this release compared with the windows
-version and we lack some linux specific features so we still name it
-a Technology Preview.
+This is the first release ever that is synchronized with an Opera for windows
+release. Windows is released as 7.10 Beta 1 today and since we share the user
+interface and most of the other components we have jumped to the 7.10 tag as
+well (thus skipping 7.0). We have not has as much time to test this release
+compared with the windows version and we lack some linux specific features so
+we still name it a Technology Preview.
-Please discuss this release in the opera.linux newsgroup or opera-
-linux mail list before submitting bugs to our BTS (Bug Tracking
-System). We recommend that you not install it over a current
-version of Opera.
+Please discuss this release in the opera.linux newsgroup or opera-linux mail
+list before submitting bugs to our BTS (Bug Tracking System). We recommend that
+you not install it over a current version of Opera.
-Changelogs for beta 1: http://www.opera.com/linux/changelogs/710/
+Changelogs for 7.11 TP5:
Before you run Opera7:
- Since this is a beta it might be a good idea to backup your
- personal "~/.opera" directory and remove it. This can be done
- from the command line using "cp -Rp ~/.opera ~/.opera-mybackup"
- and "rm -rf ~/.opera".
+ Since this is a beta it might be a good idea to backup your personal
+ "~/.opera" directory and remove it. This can be done from the command line
+ using "cp -Rp ~/.opera ~/.opera-mybackup" and "rm -rf ~/.opera".
diff -ur linux-opera7.orig/pkg-plist linux-opera7/pkg-plist
--- linux-opera7.orig/pkg-plist Fri Apr 18 12:17:30 2003
+++ linux-opera7/pkg-plist Wed Apr 30 15:52:48 2003
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@
--- linux-opera7.diff ends here ---
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