Parse Error running make packages

Pete Wright pete at
Sun May 24 16:09:52 UTC 2020

Is the preferred method for building a package base repository still to 
run "make packages" after running buildworld and buildkernel?  I am 
testing this locally and am running into this error:

===> Creating FreeBSD-acct-dbg-13.0.s20200524150532
pkg -o 
-o ALLOW_BASE_SHLIBS=yes  create -f txz -M 
d64/worldstage/acct-dbg.ucl  -p 
-r /usr/obj/usr/home/pete/git/freebsd/amd64.amd64/worldstage  -o /us
pkg: Error parsing manifest: error while parsing <unknown>: line: 19, 
column: 12 - 'invalid character in a key', character: '%'
*** Error code 1

It looks like it's tripping up on this line in acct-dbg.ucl:
deps: {
     FreeBSD-%PKGDEPS%: {
         origin: "base",
         version: "13.0.s20200524150532"

specifically the %PKGDEPS%.  I wonder if I'm missing a step in this process.


Pete Wright
pete at

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