Pkgbase repo for 13-CURRENT

Glen Barber gjb at
Tue Mar 3 14:24:45 UTC 2020

On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 06:31:28PM +0800, Ben Woods wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 23:04, Glen Barber <gjb at> wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 09:44:22AM +0800, Ben Woods wrote:
> > > Just wanted to ask if there is a pkgbase repo for 13-CURRENT snapshots
> > yet?
> >
> > There is not yet.
> >
> Hi Glen,
> Thanks for clarifying.
> Out of curiosity (thanks for all your hard work), how much has release
> engineering been involved in the final efforts to get pkgbase across the
> line? Obviously there are some final features that are still being added,
> but tasks such as creating a pkgbase repo which is in-sync with the
> ports-latest pkg repo for 13-CURRENT would be a step towards making this a
> reality.

It has admittedly been a few months since I looked at anything
pkgbase-related, but it is not completely off my radar.

There are a few administrative items to address before making a public
repository a reality, however.  For instance, some discussion needs to
take place within the admins team regarding how (as in what mechanism)
we want to distribute packages for the base system.  Notably, do we want
to mimic what is done for ports, or use something else.  In addition to
that, we(tm) (admins, re, secteam) need to discuss if we want to use the
same package signing mechanism that is in place for ports.

Though these seem like they should be simple yes/no questions to answer,
as someone with stained hands in these areas, I can assure you that it
is not so simple.

These are just two examples off of the top of my head, but there are
a few other things that need serious and careful thought to do this the
right way.


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