CFT: FreeBSD Package Base

Slawa Olhovchenkov slw at
Wed May 1 11:32:18 UTC 2019

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 02:46:09PM -0400, kris at wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-freebsd-pkgbase at <owner-freebsd-
> > pkgbase at> On Behalf Of Garrett Wollman
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1:29 PM
> > To: Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
> > Cc: freebsd-pkgbase at
> > Subject: Re: CFT: FreeBSD Package Base
> > 
> > > Which begs the question, if we're simply replacing freebsd-update and
> > > it does most of what we want why the extra effort?
> > 
> > Anyone who isn't using a completely stock make.conf/src.conf is already
> > replacing freebsd-update, and it would be much *less* effort to have only
> > one mechanism to distribute software rather than two.
> > 
> > I'd like to have a better installation process, too, because that would make it
> > much easier to redeploy servers.  But most of our servers are file servers
> > with unique user data so "redeploy" is not a relevant operation much of the
> > time.
> > 
> > -GAWollman
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > freebsd-pkgbase at mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-pkgbase-
> > unsubscribe at"
> This was a big motivator for us to merge base pkgs into poudriere.
> In my career I've written 4 build systems that all do some variation
> of buildworld/kernel + poudriere + create ISO + create updates. I'm
> sure plenty of other FreeBSD consumers have done the same, and
> frankly its getting old. At least now I'm down to poudriere + create
> ISO only.

svnlite export
foreach patch
  patch -E -p0 -z ''
sh release.conf
tar -xf $R/R/ftp/base.txz --strip-components 5 -C tmp ./var/db/etcupdate/current/
tar -cf $R/R/ftp/etcupdate.tar -C tmp .

and update

find -x . -flags +schg | xargs chflags noschg
fetch -qo - http://pkg/update12/doc.txz | tar xf -
fetch -qo - http://pkg/update12/kernel.txz | tar xf -
fetch -qo - http://pkg/update12/kernel-dbg.txz | tar xf -
fetch -qo - http://pkg/update12/lib32.txz | tar xf -
fetch -qo - http://pkg/update12/base.txz | tar xf - --exclude ./boot/device.hints ./COPYRIGHT boot dev media mnt proc tmp bin lib libexec rescue sbin usr var/yp/Makefile.dist

> And my sympathies to anybody still having to use freebsd-update as part of their custom updating process 😉

freebsd-update take x4 time and space to build, constantly broken,
slow update on client and take too much space and files on client.
And have fixed bindings for run on official freebsd-update cluster.
I am don't use it anymore.

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